Perfection | Marshall x Everest

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It was no denying, that the fire pup would do literally anything to make his friends happy. But it still had some exceptions, like getting skunked, singing, or some other things Marshall was uncomfortable with.

With the exception of Everest.

He would do everything she wanted from him. From watching a movie on top of the lookout to a free fall from the height of Kilimanjaro. Still, he knew it wasn't enough, seeing Everest not changing their friendship after everything. But he still loved her.

Marshall was walking down the driveway, looking at the flowers that grew on the side. He picked some lavenders up, in the hope he would give them to Everest. If he wasn't scared.

He turned back and walked back to his home, just to see Everest, standing in front of the doors, waiting for someone. Marshall blushed as he saw her. Just then, Rocky walked to her and they both talked, giving Marshall a sad look. He didn't think Rocky would even try to be with Everest when he said he has something for Liberty.

As Marshall returned to reality, he saw Everest, with her head down and Rocky was nowhere to be seen. Now's my chance. He got up and walked towards her.

"Hey Everest, what's wrong?" Marshall asked the husky, as she lifted up her head.

"Rocky can't go on the pageant with me, because he is sick. And now, I can't go too, because this round was for duos." Everest said, letting her head down again. Marshall hated seeing her sad so he brought her closer to him, calming her down. Everest snuggled to his chest, knowing that he wouldn't complain. She knew he had feelings for her, she did have them too, but wanted him to reveal them.

"Everest, it's gonna be alright. You've been great on them, and it's their fault to not let someone like you attend alone." Marshall said, which grew suspicion in Everest.

"Did you watch them?" She asked as Marshall blushed. She has gone to them all by herself, and she knew, she never talked about them with Marshall, or anyone else for that matter.

"I-Uh...." He blushed again. "Yeah."

Everest smiled and hugged him. She enjoyed her time being with him on the most extreme things they did in the last month. She cursed herself for even asking him about them, but he went anyway, not with a single denial. She calmed down, let go of him, and smiled.

"Thanks, Marsh. You are a really great friend." Everest said, touching his paw. He slightly blushed and smiled too.

Everest stayed for a while in the lookout, to read. Just read. As she finished her book, she heard the pups inside of the lookout talking. She placed her ears on the wall to hear better.

"Marshall, but..." "No, you know I hate when I need to go on a stage." "We know that, but, at least for us?" "I said no. I would have a depression again if I went. Sorry guys." "Well, and why did you go, let's say, to that bear watching with Everest, even though you are really scared of them." "That's something else. Chase, you know that I want to make her happy. I don't even care if she likes me now, I just want her to be happy. Bye." 

She stood there shocked at what she heard. Marshall...only goes with me because he doesn't want to see me sad? Just then, she saw the fire pup walking out of the lookout. She walked to him and patted his shoulder, which made him jump in a shock.

"Oh, hey, Everest." "You know, I never even invited you to attend one of my pageants, did I?" Everest started.

"No, but that's okay!" "No, it's not okay. I should've invited you, as you were the one who really helped me." Everest said, staring at Marshall.

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