Boom, together | Marshall x Everest

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"Everest?" Jake asked his pup as she was waiting next to the door. "Would you consider staying inside?"

"Why?" "Well, you know, you don't look too good," Jake said and pointed at the husky. She looked at herself and sighed. She in fact didn't look too good, not even to go out. She was bruised all over her body and she looked like she was starving.

"I guess you are right, again." She said, lowering her head and letting out a small whimper. Jake scratched her ear, not liking how his husky looked.

"Look, Everest." He kneeled down to her as she looked up. "I just want the best for you. I know you want to go to your friends, but, they aren't in town for a good while now." 

"Yeah, but. Okay, I'll stay." She said and slowly walked to the couch. Jake then left, and Everest started crying. 

"WHY ME? WHY MUST I BE SO HURT?" Everest screamed and cried. "Why me? What have I done?" She cried out.

She exactly knew how did the bruises come a few days prior. And she knew who saved her from dying. But was falsely accused of hurting her.

Why must they do these things to you, Marshall? Why? She thought as she looked out of the window. She wanted to hug him, lay in his paws, but it was impossible. They won't allow us to meet. I can't go out, you can't leave looko- She thought about that. Lookout. What if they didn't take you?

She jumped down from the couch and sneaked to her pup house outside, where she find her pup tag. It was still slightly broken, but functional. She called the dalmatian.

"Marshall here." She heard the sadness in his voice. 

"Marshall." "Everest? Are you alright?" He screamed in worry to the pup tag.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just, miss you." "I miss you too." He said. Everest smiled.

"Where are you now?" "Locked inside the lookout. They all went to Adventure City and I need to stay here." "I still can't believe they think you and I are lying." "I got over it. It was hard, but I got over it. As soon as they come back, I have a psychology test scheduled, to see if it's real or not." "Let me think, Chase wanted it?" "No, in fact, it was Sweetie. I guess she is the only one who trusts us. Maybe she knows Humdinger could do it." "Yeah, and about Humdinger?" "So, he isn't in prison, and never will be. There is nothing that can prove it." 

"Wait, there is!" Everest instantly recalled her thoughts about what happened to her. "What?" "You remember how I told you about that dog that was there." "The one that, uhm, raped you?" "Yes, that one. That could be material for police. What do you say?" "Ahh, Eve, I try to not cry when I know how badly you looked when I found you. Yes, if he catches him and compares DNA, then there's a chance." She heard him sigh. 

"Well, thanks for the talk, Marsh." "You welcome. Please, try to not harm yourself. Bye Eve." He said and hang up. She got inside her snowcat and sighed.

They can't do anything about this. I'll have the evidence with the help of Marshall hopefully. She thought and drove away, heading towards Adventure Bay.

After a while, she got in front of the lookout. She got out of her vehicle and quietly walked toward the door. She saw through them a depressed dalmatian, laying on the bean bags. She tried to open the doors but was locked. Hmm, does this still work? She thought and grabbed her pup tag and placed it on the side. It did unlock the door and opened it.

Marshall looked at the opened doors and saw his favorite girl of all time, Everest.

"E-Eve?" He was speechless. She ran towards him and jumped on him, wrapping him in a tight hug.

"Marsh, I missed you." She said. After a while, she got off him and smiled.

"Jake let you go?" "No, he isn't at home. So I came here." Everest said, smiling at the dalmatian. "And I need help."

"With?" "You are a doctor, my personal one. So, I need to know something." "Okay. What is that something?"

"If I could be pregnant." She said. Marshall gulped as she said that. 

"Look, you know how that stuff works. So, if you could tell me if I am." She said. She saw that Marshall was nervous. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just, " He laid his head in his paws. "I still can't get the image of you out of my head, and if I do, it comes back." He said. Everest placed her paw on his paw.

"Marsh." He looked at her with one eye. "Will you go out with me?"

He wide-opened his eyes as she said it. He couldn't believe his ears at what he heard.

"M-Me?" "Yeah, with you. Me and you, for a dinner." She added. She was aware of the feelings that the medic pup had for her but still wanted him to express them.

"Like a d-date?" He asked nervously, never expecting that question to be asked. She nodded and smiled. "I would love to." 

"Sweet! After everything will be resolved we c-" She was interrupted by Marshall kissing her. She was shocked at what he did. He then pulled away, his cheeks red.

"Sorry, I just, I really like you Eve, and I don't know how to properly tell you that." He said, looking at her. Even though she looked really bad now, he still loved her and never thought she is bad-looking.

"Well, I don't like you, but I love you." She said as she nuzzled Marshall. 

"I do love you to Eve." He said, returning the nuzzles she gave.

"So, will you help me, Marsh?" "Of course."

After a while, as Marshall examined Everest if she was pregnant or not, she laid down on the bean bag as Marshall was putting away his stuff.

"So, doctor Marshall." She said as they both giggled. "How am I doing?"

"Good news, you aren't. But if I could say, you are lucky." "How?"

"Well, you are in heat now, that means that now you could get pregnant easily. But I won't try that." He said and laid down beside her. She nuzzled him and closed her eyes.

"Maybe I want to." She said and leaned herself on him. Marshall grabbed the blanket that was near him and threw it onto Everest. She smiled and snuggled up to him even more. Marshall then fell asleep too, not long after her.

"Marshall! You are all fre-" 

Ryder came in and shouted, but then saw Everest and Marshall, laying together and asleep. He smiled, seeing that their love grew much stronger. Chase came behind his owner and saw the two asleep as well, and smiled.

"Boom, together."

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