You and beach | Zuma x Gasket

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Zuma was catching some waves while his best friend Rocky was watching him. Zuma tried to push Rocky to go at least swimming with him, but Rocky still refuses. He caught the last wave and slid back onto the beach.

"Wow Zuma, are you sure you don't want to attend that surfing championship?" Rocky asked his wet friend. He shook his head.

"Wocky, you know that I'm not that good. Besides, I don't have time. We awe wescuews." He said. He was right, going to train for some surfing competition and not be able to take part in rescues.

"Oh shut it. You are natural in it. And you are right, you can't leave us to do your water things." They both laughed and talked.

On the other side of the beach, there was a woman and a pup, with surfboards.

"You sure you know what you are doing?" Katie asked the pup.

"Positive. Besides, I can swim." Gasket replied. She jumped on the surfboard and started swimming towards the next wave. She fell in the water, but got up back and swam towards another wave. Katie was watching her pup from the beach when someone touched her from behind.

"Looking at something?" Ryder asked his girlfriend. He sat beside her and she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Yes, Gasket wanted to go surfing so I went with her, just to watch." She replied.

Meanwhile, Gasket noticed someone catching a giant wave. She looked more at the pup and saw it was Zuma. But she didn't notice the wave coming behind her.

"Gasket! Look out!" Was the last thing she heard when the wave pushed her deep into the water. But luckily, the water rescue pup noticed her too and swam to help her. He reached for her and grabbed her up. He noticed that she fainted. He placed her on his surfboard and swam back to the beach.

Immediately, Katie grabbed her pup and tried to wake her up. After some tries, she woke up.

"Well, that was something." Gasket said. Katie hugged her.

"Good job Zuma." Ryder scratched Zuma's ear. Zuma looked at Gasket. He stared at her as she was drying off. 

"What happened?" He heard Rocky from behind. He noticed Gasket.

"Zuma saved me from that impact from the wave." Gasket said. He nodded and nudged Zuma, who was blushing.

"Well, no more surfing, okay?" Katie said to her pup and she nodded. She picked her up.

"Bye pups, bye Ryder." She gave him a kiss and walked away to her home. But Gasket was still looking at the beach. She didn't know why. 

Back at the beach, Zuma was standing there and looking at them while they were walking away.

"Someone has a crush here," Rocky told him and nudged him. Zuma blushed. He thought that Gasket was pretty, but it was a strange feeling.

"N-No, I-I don't," He stuttered the words. Rocky winked at him and smiled.

"Come on, don't be shy. Everyone can have a crush." Rocky told his best friend as they were walking back to the lookout. 

"You think I have a cwush on Gasket?" Rocky nodded, "Well, it would be stwange to even date someone that we had fights with." Zuma told Rocky.

"Well, from the time Katie adopted Gasket, the Ruff Ruff Pack haven't been here. And you see that Gasket changed." He hinted to Zuma about how she changed. It was right, she was helpful and energetic, "And even if she was someone bad, she can still be good. Look at Sweetie for example. She was a greedy and evil royal pup, but now she has a mate and she even helps around the castle there." Rocky finished talking when they got to the lookout.

"Okay, you awe wight. I think I have a cwush on hew."

Gasket couldn't stop thinking about Zuma. She just laid down and did nothing else. Katie was becoming suspicious.

"Are you sure you are alright?" Katie asked her. Gasket nodded.

"Well, I think something's wrong for sure. You don't act like this." She kneeled next to the pup. She saw her blushing.

"Aww, thinking about someone?" Gasket blushed harder when she heard that. She didn't want to admit it, but she was falling for the water pup.

"I'll take that as yes. Soo, who is it?" Katie asked her. They promised each other not to keep secrets. And Gasket was scared to tell her that she has a crush on Zuma.

"Ohh, I think I know. Is it Zuma, right?" She winked at her. Gasket blushed even harder. But then nodded.

"But please don't tell anyone." Gasket finally said, turning to smile at Katie. She nodded.

"But you should like ask him sooner or later if he is feeling the same. Every single girl loves him." And Katie got up and left to do some stuff. Gasket lay there, thinking if she should even ask him. 

The next day...

"Okay, Wocky, is this good enough?" Zuma asked his best friend. He was picking up flowers to give Gasket today. He wanted to tell her what he feels and hopefully, don't be rejected. Rocky was really giving him a helping paw. He wanted to help him, as Zuma was the only support he had when he asked out Liberty.

"Of course! She will love it. Now, don't forget. Try to be yourself, not someone else." Rocky said. They walked over to Katie's house. Zuma took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Suddenly, Katie opened the door.

"Hey Zuma, what can I do for you?" She asked him. 

"Well, um, just wanted to ask if Gasket could come out." He nervously said. She ran away and then Gasket came to the doors. They looked at each other for a while. 

"Oh, um, would you like to go fow a walk?" Zuma asked her nervously. She was obviously happy and went outside. He was still nervous and shaking.

After some walking and light talking, they arrived at the beach. She noticed, that the whole time Zuma was shivering. So she thought she would nuzzle him. Zuma stood there shocked.

"Aww, are you cold?" She asked him because he suddenly stopped shivering. 

"N-No, just, kinda newvous." He picked up the flowers from his back, which Gasket didn't see. He handed it to her. She stood there shocked and confused.

"Um, thanks." She said and smelled the scent of the flowers. It was her favorite one. 

"I-I, don't know how to tell you, but I l-like y-you Gasket." He mumbled. Gasket heard that and went closer to him. Zuma did the first thing that came into his mind.

He kissed her.

He gave her the most passionate kiss he could.

Gasket was shocked by what he did but melted into the kiss. They broke it after a while.

"I'm s-sowwy Gasket." He moved slightly away from her. She smiled at him and moved back to him. 

"And why are you sorry? If I hated it, I would break it sooner." She nuzzled him.

"Y-You l-liked i-it?" "Yeah, dummy. As I like you." And now, she kissed him. They both were in heaven. Then, Zuma broke it and hugged Gasket.

"Gasket, would you like to be my giwlfwiend?" He nervously asked her. 

"Of course Zuma, I love you." They laid down on the beach and cuddled together. He was happy that she didn't reject him. She was happy because she is with someone she loves.

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