Proposal | Chase x Sweetie

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A special moon lay down on Adventure Bay, as one terrier sat on a blanket on the beach. She was waiting for someone, and that was her mate. She was asked if she could come to the beach this time and said yes.

Where is he? I'm starting to shiver. Sweetie thought and looked around. Just as she turned her head, a pair of brown paws covered her eyes.

"Chaseee." She said, annoyed, and pushed his paws off her face.

"Hi, Sweetie," Chase said, trying to brighten up the mood.

"Hello Chase, came to lie again?" Sweetie said, and looked away. Chase knew he screwed up a few days before, and wanted to try, and take her on a trip.

"No, and I'm still sorry for it. I wanted to show you something." Chase said and invited her up from the blanket. Sweetie, still annoyed, hesitantly got up and followed him.

They both got to the shore and were staring at the water. Chase was nervously looking around, trying to find something.

"You wanted me to just look at the ocean?" She scoffed annoyed and went to walk away. Just then, a paw grabbed her by the collar. A paw that was smaller than Chase's.

"Chase, I need to get back to Valerie, stop i-" She saw that it wasn't Chase, but another pup, that was in the water. "Ehh..."

"Hi, I'm Coral, nice to meet you!" The cockapoo said and smiled.

"I'm...Sweetie." The terrier replied and nervously looked at Chase.

"Coral here is a 'Mer-pup', and I wanted to show you Puplantis, since it's slightly less beautiful than you, and I mean that in the nicest way possible," Chase explained, and as soon as he finished, Coral leaned over to Sweetie and touched noses, turning her into a Mer-pup.

Sweetie looked at herself in disbelief, seeing that she had a fishtail.

"Wow." She said in awe and saw that Coral had turned Chase into one as well. "You knew about Mer-pups?"

"For a long time actually," Chase said, and slowly moved towards Sweetie, who just gave him a stern look.

Coral was bored of it, so she grabbed Sweetie's paw and swam towards their destination, with Chase close behind.

"You seem like Skye, are you too somehow connected?" Sweetie asked while trying to swim by herself.

"She's my cousin actually," Coral said. "You mentioned someone named Valerie, is she your friend?"

"No, she's my daughter. Well, our daughter." Sweetie replied and looked back at Chase, who swam behind them.

"Why are you mad at him? Chase is nice..." Coral said, facing her and swimming backward.

"He is, but, he lied to me, and that hurt me." Sweetie sighed. "Better pup doesn't exist."

"You know what? Chase knows his way around, I'll leave you two to enjoy the view." And with that, Coral quickly swam away, leaving Sweetie looking down at her fish tail, thinking about something.

Chase then finally got to her and stopped a few meters behind her.

"Sweetie..." He started. "I want to show you something."

Sweetie without words let him grab her paw, and Chase led her slightly over a cliff.

The sudden light that shined into their eyes was wonderful for Sweetie. The castle was covered in flower petals, amethyst and corals were magnificent.

"Chase..." Sweetie started, already losing her words. "...this is wonderful."

"Sweetie, you matter to me. You are my everything." Chase said and grabbed her paw again. "Everything we've been through, everything that happened to both of us, it hurt me maybe as much as it hurt you." He paused, seeing that Sweetie was actually listening to him.

"I knew lying to you about going to Adventure City just to be in Barkingburg with your close friend wasn't the best idea." He took a deep breath. "And...I screwed up. But for a good reason."

There was a silence of a moment between them, till Sweetie wiped her tears.

"Chase...I'm not angry, I never was. It just...snapped in me, I don't know why, or how." Sweetie turned her head to face him. "I can never hate you. It's impossible."

Chase then let go of her paws and moved slightly backward.

"Sweetie...I..." Chase took a deep breath. "I love you with my whole heart, and..." He pulled out something from his vest.

"Sweetie, will you marry me?"

Sweetie wide opened her eyes, not knowing what to do. The few words that Chase said made her regret everything she did to him.

"I..." Sweetie nervously said, even though she wanted to say yes.

"I get it, you are not ready," Chase said, and as soon as he went to put the beautiful ring with crystals back, Sweetie grabbed him by the collar.

"Of course I do."

I'll let you guys know if it somehow alters the storyline (note: it should

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