Dark secrets | Rocky x Gasket

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It was a time between two storms and the mixed breed was walking around the town, looking at the small damage that was caused by the first storm.

This tree will be gone for sure. He thought as he was looking at one tree, which was almost on the ground, only hanged by a few sticks.

He continued wandering around when he heard some laughter. It was coming from the abandoned playground down by the secret beach that not many people or pups knew about.

He sneaked behind a tree and gasped at what he saw. It was two pups, one young and one like Rocky. He immediately recognized the older one.

Gasket? What is she doing here, and who's that? He thought as he continued watching the two play.

The younger pup looked a bit like Gasket, which surprised Rocky. Is it her pup? But she never said anything... He leaned closer to the edge to hear them.

"Catch mommy!" The small pup shouted at Gasket and threw a small ball at her. Rocky's eyes were wide open when he heard that.

Mommy? He was confused at what he heard. He then heard and saw Gasket heavily coughing.

"I'm ok *achoo* ay. Let's get you back home." She said as the small one nodded, and followed Gasket. Rocky followed them as well, being curious about where she will lead her. After a while, he saw them entering...

... adoption center?

What is going on here? Rocky waited till Gasket leaves the building but when she did, Rocky saw the tears on her face. She then rubbed her eyes and started walking towards her home.

Rocky left back to his home, with many unanswered questions. The hardest question was who was the small pup.

"Rocky, you there?" He heard his owner through his collar. "Yeah, Ryder?" "I need you to come to Katie's house. Pronto." "Be there in a moment." He hung up and ran back to Katie's house.

He didn't know what was happening and was really scared.


Gasket laid down on the couch, covered in three blankets and with a thermometer in her mouth. She was surrounded by her owner Katie, Ryder, and Marshall, who was trying to figure out how long she had been cold.

"For maybe three weeks. That's...strange. Like, I remember Everest and also Ashley having a cold, but we all noticed it instantly." He explained to Ryder as he took out the thermometer.

"Maybe Rocky will know more. After all, he was with her yesterday almost full day." Katie said, receiving a nod from others and a cough from the husky.

Just then, they heard a knock on the door. Ryder walked to the door and opened it only to reveal wet Rocky. Rocky quickly got inside for warmth.

"H-Hey guys, I'm here." He said, shooking off the raindrops from him.

"Rocky..." A quiet voice was heard throughout the room and a cough followed it. Rocky immediately knew whose it was and ran to the couch, where he found Gasket.

"Have you noticed she was sick yesterday?" Katie asked him to which he shook his head. Rocky instantly recalled what he saw before, but the thought. If no one knows it, maybe I shouldn't talk about it.

"Okay, so she should stay in bed till she gets better," Marshall said as Gasket started crying. Rocky quickly jumped on the couch and hugged her, surprising everyone.

But more shocking was that Gasket was calm, quiet, and falling asleep.

"And maybe let her stay with Rocky." He whispered to the two as they nodded and walked away.

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