Fun things | Chase x Sweetie

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Engine roaring went throughout the whole royal town near the ocean in the morning, as a certain terrier went on top speed in her roadster in the shallow streets. Ignoring the normal rules while driving, she was the perfect candidate to be in jail. Possibility of killing someone, driving into a building because of losing focus, you name it.

But all was just forgiven to her. Yes, people were mad, but they couldn't do anything. No one can argue with her, when she has a police officer sitting right behind her, holding onto everything he can.

"S-Slow D-Downnnn-" Chase screamed, cursing his decisions before coming to Barkingburg. He wanted to give Sweetie a chance to have fun, fun on her level. Sure, a simple shooting at a gun range would be enough for everyone, but Sweetie, the smartest and mischievous pup in the world, needed something else...

A few hours before...

"Is she here?" The german shepherd asked when he entered the castle. Words he was going to say directly into her eyes were mixing up in his mind. Some of them were filled with mixed feelings of 'is it a good idea' and 'will she ever like me'. 

"She is coming down, but," The Earl paused for a moment, looking around, nervously. "We had some probl-"

"GET LOST!" They both turned to the staircase, where they saw a white fluffy pup running down, water trailing behind her. "SNEAKING TO THE BATHROOM WITH ME SHOWERING IN? DISGUSTING!" 

Sweetie, despite knowing where she was running, stumbled on her paws, and rolled towards Chase, taking him down to the ground instantly. Chase was sent back to the door, hitting his head.

"Owww-" "Chase! You alright?" He heard after a while of unconsciousness.

Opening his eyes, he saw Sweetie looking at him, having a worried expression on her face.

"Y-Yeah. Fine." Chase replied, rubbing the place he hit. "Why were you running?"

"Oh, just, a CERTAIN DOG SNEAKED INTO THE BATHROOM!" She looked behind and shouted to the stairs. Chase saw the butler dragging out the "knight" Claw by his collar. "Anyway, why are you here?"

Chase was still focused on the Doberman, that was now being thrown outside the castle. Did he hurt her? Why did he spy on her? And he did not notice Sweetie asking him, nor that he was already wet, from the soaking Sweetie.

"Chase?" She asked again, seeing him confused and slightly furious.

"Oh, yeah, I'm alright." He shook his head, and turned his focus to her, "I'm here to tell you something."

She hummed in response, moving slightly away from him, as a maid brought her a towel. She was aware of her birthday but never thought it was something important to celebrate.

"Happy 8th birthday Sweetie." He smiled at her, which took her off guard, giving him a confused look.

"T-Thanks." The terrier looked down, with a small tear flowing out of one of her eyes. Chase noticed it and lifted her head up.

"Why that sad face? You should be celebrating." Chase reassured her as she gave him a nod. "And my gift i-"

"Chase, thanks. I wasn't expecting you to congratulate me." Sweetie finally spoke, smiling back at him. 

"So, want to have some fun?"

As they were driving through Barkingburg, he was confident that she got a gift she would really enjoy. Sweetie was smiling the whole time, which wasn't common.

One-Shots | Paw PatrolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora