Tinkering with feelings (pt.1) | Marshall x Everest

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A very hot day in the mountains isn't too common, yet it happened. For people and tourists, it was just a day without snow on the mountain. They enjoyed hiking and walking in the forest as much as skiing. But still, for someone, a very hot day wasn't very pleasing. 

Everest was sitting in a box filled with ice. She hated hot days up on the mountain. Due to her fur being really thick, she had no choice, but to roast herself in the sun. But she came up with a brilliant idea. She would lay or sit in a tub full of cold water, or put ice in a box and sit in it. At least it wasn't as hot as it would be some another day, so she could go out of that box for a while when she is inside.

She heard a rumbling. Her eyes perked as it was coming closer. She looked out of the window just to hear a motorcycle coming toward them. She immediately knew who was it. As the motorcycle came to stop, Everest was already waiting in front of the doors.

"Everest!" Gasket shouted as she jumped on the other husky. 

"Hey Gasket, how are you doing?" Everest said, lifting herself up.

"Great! Just finished painting the new fence behind the parlor, so just came here to hang out." Gasket said. She loved helping around the place, that belonged to her owner. "And you?"

"You know what." She sighed. Everest hated it really bad.

"Yeah, I see. Eve, you gotta get your fur cut or something, you'll fry yourself to death." Gasket said while they walked over to Everest's room. They had the whole cabin for themselves because Jake was out hiking with some tourists and being their guide. Everest would go out with them, she loved hiking. But as soon as she would stay under the sun for a while, she would start a forest fire from her warmth.

"You know, I would, it's just, I don't want to." Everest giggled. 

"Is it because of someone?" Everest blushed as she heard that. Am I that obvious? "Because of a certain dalmatian?" Gasket continued to tease her friend. 

"S-Stop," Everest said, looking down from embarrassment. Gasket was probably the only one (apart from Katie) that knew about her liking for the fire pup.

"Come on Eve, someday you gotta tell him." She placed a paw on Everest's shoulder. She sighed. She was right, she must tell him someday. Her crush on him was as old as they have known each other. 

"Yeah, I know, I will." "No, you say that every time and you never will." Gasket interrupted her. "You'll tell him soon, you need to." She finished. 

"Well, if I do, what if he rejects me?" Gasket paw-palmed herself.

"Jesus girl, don't you see? He is hungry for you. He wants you." Gasket told her. Everest raised her eyebrow.

"He does?" Gasket nodded. "I should really then go for it. I'll do it..." "Today." Gasket interrupted her.

"What?" "Yeah, today. I didn't come here just to hang out with you today." She grabbed a letter from her vest and hand it to Everest. She opened it.

Dear Everest,
I personally invite you to my birthday party, but just for us two. It will be like a dinner, but we will talk and be just together.
You are also invited to my main party after that.
Love, Marshall.

Everest stood there shocked. She started being warmer from the heat but didn't care.

"See, he obviously loves you, and it will be the best gift for him if you tell him you love him too." Gasket finished. Everest nodded. "Fine, I'll do it."

"Great! Me and Zuma are coming to his party, so I expect you to come there as a couple, alright?" She jokingly said, as she ran out and drove away.

Everest walked over to the tub to cool herself down. It was getting colder outside, finally. But she thought. I totally forgot about Marshall's birthday. And I also forgot to get him some presents. What a terrible friend I am.

Downtown in Adventure Bay, Marshall was running around the shops, buying stuff. He was nervous about what he did. He didn't know if it was the best idea to invite Everest for a dinner. He didn't even know if she would come.


He looked around, accidentally dropping the blanket and a basket he had on his back. He saw Chase, standing there.

"Why are you here?" He asked his friend while helping him pick his stuff up.

"Oh, just, buying stuff," Marshall replied. Chase knew it wasn't the whole truth.

"Yeah, buying a blanket and a basket on your birthday? Come on, it has to be for something, right?" Chase continued to ask him, while Marshall was trying to hide his blush. But it was hard for a white pup to hide his red cheeks.

"J-Just saw it in s-sale." Marshall lied. 

"Marshall..." "Alright, alright. It's for something in the evening." Marshall finally gave up and told him.

"Ah, I see. You having a picnic?" Marshall shrugged. This earned a confused look from Chase. "Well, you can call it a picnic, it's ju-" Just then, his pup tag went off.

"Hiya Marshall, I delivered it to Everest as you asked. Happy birthday again." And then nothing. Marshall blushed really hard as Chase just laughed.

"So, 'picnic' with Everest?" Marshall nodded, still blushing. "Well, then good luck," Chase said, as he left. Marshall sighed and put his things in his truck. It was piled up in it. There was a box full of cold drinks, a box of sandwiches, liver treats, and now he put a basket and a blanket in it. He got in and drove away from town, to a small cliffside. He was asking himself the entire ride if it was a good idea what he was doing. He wanted to spend time on his birthday with Everest. He wanted to tell her at least he loves her, even if she didn't feel the same toward him. He was tired of hiding it from her. 

He arrived at the place. He put the blanket and the basket down and picked up the food from the truck. As he finished, he laid down on the blanket. He stared at the sun. He fell into thoughts of thinking about Everest.

It was finally evening, and it became colder outside. Everest went for a walk before going down to Adventure Bay. She cursed herself for not having a gift for her really good friend. She remembered that he never forgot her birthday, and neither did she. Only this time, because she was only thinking about how to tell him that she loves her. As she was walking in the forest, she smelled burning wax. She walked in the direction she smelled it. After a while, she came to a cliffside, where she spotted a white pup laying on a blanket. She went to him, carefully.

"Marshall?" She asked as she came closer. The pup in front of her jumped up as she said that.

"E-Everest?" He asked, looking her straight in the eyes. She never knew he had so pretty eyes.

"Hi. I-Is this the d-dinner y-you invited m-me?" Everest asked, looking at the place around her. He nervously nodded.

"Y-Yeah. C-Come s-sit d-down." He stuttered as he moved back on the blanket. Everest walked to it and sat down. She looked in the basket and saw liver treats, her favorite. 

"S-So, what do you want to eat?" Marshall asked as looking in the basket. "I have sandwiches, sparkling water, and-" He picked out the liver treats and handed them to her. "this." He finished. Everest blushed as she accepted the box and picked one from it.

"Thanks. You know what I love, don't you?" Everest chuckled, putting one in her mouth. Marshall looked at her in awe.

"A-Are you okay?" Everest asked him, snapping him out of his stare. He didn't notice that he was staring at her. They both blushed and looked away. They stayed silent for a while. Everest then broke the silence.

"S-So, why did you want to have dinner with me?" Everest asked him, curious at his answer. He looked nervous.

"Well, j-just wanted t-to tell y-you s-something." He told, blushing. Everest hummed in response.

"I don't know how to tell you, but, Everest, I-I l-love y-you," Marshall said, looking her straight in the eyes. She was speechless. She was excited to hear that he loves her too but was scared of answering.

"I-I...don't. I'm sorry." Everest responded as she ran away from him. He was frozen there. He was devastated. His love, the only one he loved, doesn't love him too. He started crying.

I'll still love you, Everest, even if you don't.

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