Never Again

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Tell me how much you hate me because I wouldn't take you back. Show me how it is a "real man" is supposed to act.

Try to manipulate and scare me into your way of thinking. Prove your point by you being the only one speaking.

Infect me with a whole world of self doubt. Scream at me that this is what real love is about.

Convince me with hatred that you miss who I used to be. She was the one who took every hit believing she could never be free.

How every time you were unfaithful and dishonest, it was all my fault because I made you want to break all that was promised.

Speak in a way of me that's so degrading.. so I'll know I can't do better than you and I'm not worth saving.

Leave angry voicemails because I chose to ignore your every bullshit effort of winning me back. I'll also ignore your text messages of attack.

You'll figure out this woman doesn't want any version of you. Never again no matter what you say or what you do.

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