About Annoying

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The worst thing about someone annoying is that they worm their little annoying self in. They work so damn hard to be considered a friend.

They analyze you until they know you better than you know you. Confused about why you did something you did? Don't worry because the annoyance will fucking tell you.

It's like ...

You're the majestic antisocial lion in the den completely content with having nothing, no friends.

Then a stupid annoying lizard comes along,
Won't shut the hell up and quit singing its song.

No matter how badly the lion wanted to smash or toss the lizard over the edge of the cliff, the lizard's song became a broken record the lion needed.

Just as the lion started to open up something happened to this small pain in the ass annoyance, it was down on its luck.

Only a glimpse of what troubled this fly eating tormented ugly scaley thing.. The lion could not help with only a moments bad choice within suffering.

To the surprise of the lion, the annoying peaceful life sucker from the troubles it had gone or maybe a bird swooped in and ate it while it was on the run?

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