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Her plan is to hit him where it counts.
Make him feel every one of her doubts.

She still remains just as quiet.
She wants him to think she still follows his rules,
she needs him to buy it.

He thinks she'll be here no matter what.
He failed to see, she can be broken
But she can be just as tough.

Their love wasn't what it once was.
She's a scorned woman now
She no longer gives a fuck.

She wants out of this life
he tells her she should be thankful
The only word that comes to her mind is dreadful.

He thinks he can keep her a prisoner forever
she waits for the clouds to roll in
She needs to run with stormy weather

Run from the Devil himself in the shape of a man
Who brought her to his hell on earth
& formulated plan


Yeah I don't know
On this one but published anyway.

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