Broken Home

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Poor little pretty broken girl...
What did they do to you?
Your home should feel safe,
pain isn't something you should be used too.
The smile on your lips, that shouldn't be fake.
How could your parents make you feel like a mistake?

How could they make you feel so abandoned?
This life shouldn't have taught you yet of that lesson. They fight, they scream & send you in to depression.
Pushing anyone away has now become your reaction.

To be afraid of love is now all you know.
Too scared to let anyone near, but you don't let it show.

Forever to be lost and so beautifully broken.
No brighter days ahead & no light to let trickle in.
Always taking the turn, only to be met by a dead end.

There is no white horse, no prince to rescue you.
You have to save yourself & be brave inside the hell that this life is & continues to put you through.

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