Battling With Her Heart

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She's tried to write poetry about other things.
From the day since she met him, her life's not been the same.

She thinks about him so much, it's ridiculous.
Everything about him was so conspicuous.

He started out as moments of intrigue.
Saying to herself, there's no where for this to possibly lead.

She'd fight with her thoughts at night in bed.
Continuously thinking about the intriguing things he said.

In time..she grew to know that like her, he was just as broken. They didn't tell each other much, but as time went on, more and more words between them were spoken.

She found him to be so alluring.
Still she remained guarded, backed away and silenced her feelings

Her poetry became all about a mysterious man.
No matter how it started, it always had little parts of him.

What the hell was it about this man that held her so captive? His every response, it would seem her heart reacted.

He was the drug of choice and she was addicted.
No matter how her head and her heart were conflicted.

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