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What if I just let go?
It's not too late to tell my heart no.
If I could just stop talking.
Just go dead silent without warning.
Try my best to erase you from my mind.
I could do that..right?

These feelings within me are so absurd.
The things I think of are all backward.
You have me abandoning my comfort zone.
The erotic thoughts I have of you, when I'm alone.

There's nothing special about you.
You're just some guy.
At least that's what I try telling to my heart, but it refuses to listen to my mind.

I don't really even know you at all.
So, I'm the one that's at blame.
I'll take the fall.

It could be just simply platonic
and I'm a stupid woman to crave more.
I should not want this.

I just have to learn to block the feelings out.
I need to quit trying to understand,
what it is you're about.


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