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She sadly looks at all the bottles along the wall.
She's not really sure which one will numb it all.

She's tired of fighting what she feels.
She knows it's time to get real.

She just wants to let go of him and let her heart rest at ease. She's in search of what can bring her mind any form of peace.

She reaches for the bottle of Vodka and thinks fuck the glass. She wonders why he doesn't want her and how feelings are such a pain in the ass.

She downs sip after sip from the bottle she now holds.Wondering some more about whatever had been told.

She knows it's not his fault that she pathetically fell.
She should've kept her distance as she knew too damn well.

Now it's her struggling with ways to feel numb.
A feeling she wants to feel most in the long run.

To keep her distance is what she knows she has to do.
Thanks to Vodka that seems easy to do.

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