Chapter 8 - Seungmin

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Jisung's mood still hasn't improved by the time Felix was done. He still either kept to his room or went to the studio for hours on end.

She just wanted to get a chance to talk to him, to apologize for how she made him feel.

"Minho?" She asked as he came out of his room and sat at the island. "Wait, why are you sitting here? Don't you have a mug to put in the microwave?" Bada joked seeing the tired look on his face.

"Just didn't sleep well." He mumbled trying to subtly make a fist out of her line of sight. Hoping he could dig his nails deep enough into his palm to distract himself from the burning ache.

"I know you don't feel good, but can you drop me off at the studio? I really need to talk to Jisung before I move on to Seungmin tomorrow..."

Leaving the house was the last thing he wanted to do. The idea of even walking to the parking garage downstairs seemed like too much. He squeezed his eyes shut momentarily to get through the waves of pain as they come and go.

"I can't, Bada." He shook his head.

"Can't or won't?" She asked as the fresh wounds left by Jisung were making her overly sensitive.

Minho looked over at her and dropped his head. "C'mere" he said grabbing her wrist and taking her into her room. Once they were behind the safety of a closed door.

"I know you're in pain, we can all see it." She blurted as he looked at her.

"I'm fine."

"Why does everyone keep telling they're fine when they're not!" She said raising her voice. She threw her hands up in the air and dropped down onto the edge of her bed defeated. Feeling guilty Minho sat down next to her.

"I'm not fine." He said quietly, pausing before he continued. "I've been in pain for weeks and it just keeps getting worse. My grandfather seems to know why, but he keeps saying I have to figure it out on my own, that he can't interfere. Only thing he has really said is that he can guarantee I'm not dying, but it feels like I am." He said as his arm tightened around his stomach and he bent over.

"The only thing I know is that it fucking hurts. You know I'd take you anywhere you wanted to go, but please have Chan take you. I don't think driving is a good idea for me right now. Please. I know you trust me, I just physically can't, Bada. It hurts so fucking bad." He pleaded.

She nodded her head but didn't say anything else. She just put her head down and stared at her hands in her lap. "I'll just see him later when he gets home." She said disappointed.

"You'll be with Seungmin later. If you really wanna talk to him, have Chan take you." Minho insisted.

"I already feel like a bother lately, I'll just wait." She said standing up and walking towards the door.

"Hey" he said grabbing her wrist. "You're not a bother to anyone, who told you that? We all care about you. Jisung is just being moody, which actually happens more than you'd think. He'll get over it."

Bada just shook her head, trying not to cry again before she left the room.

"Damnit" Minho muttered under his breath.

There was one thing he noticed, the pain wasn't as bad the closer she was.


Eventually, Jisung came home. She didn't want to bother Chan. He'd had his headphone on and was knees deep in whatever song he was making. She couldn't bring herself to break his concentration. She waited until he'd been in his room a few minutes before she knocked on his door.

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