Chapter 11

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"It's ok. I'm going to be here the whole time. You may not realize it, but I will be." Minho said gently rubbing her back.

Jihoon came back in the room and urged Bada to take a shower. He said that the warm water would help loosen up her muscles and it might help the pain.

"Mind telling me why you can't sire her?" Jihoon asked once the shower turned on.

Minho inhaled a deep breath as paced a bit, nervous to tell Jihoon what he'd done.

"Do you remember when my parents had that huge fight when I was about 17?"

"The one where she said she was going to leave him?" Jihoon asked, Minho nodded and avoided looking towards his grandfather.

"He changed their relationship that day. He changed the sire bond and basically made her his slave....." Minho took a shaky breath before he continued. "I saw all the light and life in her eyes just fade. Now all of her free will is gone. She feels how he wants her to feel, she does what he wants her to do. She's not my mom anymore."

"I'm sorry you were there to see that. My son tends to be a very cruel being when he wants to be. I still hold anger towards him for what he did to your sweet mother. So what did you do then Minho?"

"I had the venom and fangs removed. I want nothing to do with it." He said finally shifting his gaze to Jihoon.

"You did what?" His grandfather as almost offended. Minho knew Jihoon thought differently about siring than his father. He'd sired his own mate and they'd been the happiest example of a couple he'd ever experienced. "Why would you remove part of what you are??"

"Because I was young and I was angry...I was fucking scared that I'd accidentally do it! I was trying to audition for backup dancing stuff. I didn't want to worry about it! It was my choice Jihoon! Even if I could, I can't. I'm not going to risk taking away all of her free will and make her my slave!" Minho calmed down slightly before speaking again. "I know it was a rash decision, and yes maybe I should have thought I through more. I just don't ever want take that risk. There's such a balance that you have to have with your sired. It's a very fine line."

It was extremely rare for Minho to cry. If something got to him it was usually standing at the end of a stage staring out at all of the people who got him to where his is today. It was rare but it just meant so much more. But here he was in his room, his grandfather looking at him and realizing how scared his grandson must have been.

He thought for a moment calming himself down before speaking to Minho.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. I'm sorry that that had to be your example of how siring works. Your grandmother and I have been so happy together we wouldn't change it for the world. It goes both ways Minho."

"I know it's more painful for her and believe me, if I could take all her pain away...I would. I know she's going to be incredible pain, but this is what she said she wants to do. I want to be with her for the rest of my life. I think I love her, Jihoon." He sat down roughly on his bed and put his hands over his face. "She's strong. She's been through so much in her life, and I've learned that being a binder is like erasing your personality. She kept hers through it all, and she's this incredibly beautiful, sweet, caring, happy person. How do you think I feel knowing she is going to go through this and I can't do anything to help?"

Jihoon nodded and dropped it with him. He knew his grandson wasn't stupid, he just wished he'd talked to him before he did it. He wishes he could have explained to him how good it can be. It doesn't have to be that way. But it was too late, so he now just needed to accept it as fact and move on.

Just as the two were done talking, Bada came out of Minho's bathroom in his clothes. The t-shirt and sweatpants were definitely too big for her, but it made a warm smile cross his face as he got up and wrapped his arms around her.

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