Chapter 15

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The club was loud, thumping music coming from the speakers, blue and purple lights moving around, setting the mood as people milled about minding their own business. The dance floor was full of people as they almost seemed to all move together with the music. Bada loved it.

She held Minho's hand as she followed him to the upstairs bar. He never once let go of her hand as he spoke to the bartender. The tall man nodded as he started grabbing glasses and metal cups. He shook one over his shoulder as Minho turned to her and pulled her closer to him smiling at her.

He couldn't believe how incredible Bada looked. The dress hugged all of her curves just right and the heels made her legs look a mile long. He leaned in and kissed her neck just as the man behind the bar gave him two glasses full of what looked like blood.

Minho handed one to Bada and pulled her towards a table as she took a sip from her glass. She'd never had alcohol, but when mixed with blood it wasn't bad.

Minho sat down and she sat down next to him in the booth setting her glass down on the small table in front of them.

She leaned into him and she looked back down at the huge circular dance floor below them.

"You really do look beautiful" he said into her ear. She turned her head back to him and smiled.

"You don't look so bad yourself." She said back. He smiled at her and pulled her towards him for a kiss. He cupped his palm against her cheek making sure she knew where tonight was going. She didn't want him to pull away when he did. Looking at him she couldn't believe he was all hers.

"I wanna dance!" She said taking a large gulp of her drink and pulling Minho back down the stairs as he laughed at her excitement.

As they entered the crowd Minho held onto her hips and spun her around towards him. She pressed her body against his as she moved with the music. She felt the alcohol loosening her body up as she spun and pressed her back against his chest. He wrapped an arm across her waist and threw her arm up over his shoulder. She laid her head back against him and buried her fingers in his hair. He leaned down and placed kisses along her neck, making each one last longer than the one before. Their bodies were moving in sync with each other and the music.

She looked up at him and pressed her lips against his, never once wanting to stop moving her body. He slid his hand down further on her hip as she turned back around and threw both arms around his neck. He moved his hands further down and squeezed her rear as she let out a giggle, but quickly pulling Minho in for a kiss.

They danced in the throbbing mass of people for quite a while before Minho leaned down and whispered in her ear "Let's go..."

His warm breath tickled her ear and sent shivers down her spine. She knew he didn't just mean he was tired and was ready for bed. She lifted an eyebrow at him and he led her towards the exit.

The black car was sitting there waiting for them. Once they both climbed in Minho pulled her onto his lap, straddling him. Their lips met with a hunger that they'd never felt before. He leaned his head back against the seat and Bada moved her lips to his neck. Unbuttoning a few buttons on his shirt so she could kiss more of him.

She felt him growing harder underneath her the closer they got to home. She couldn't deny that she desperately wanted to just rip his clothes off. His hands were roaming and squeezing every part of her body, slowly making her more and more excited as their lips met again, barely coming up for air.

The moment the car stopped in front of the house, they stumbled from the car as Bada grabbed her mate's hand pulling him inside. He laughed as they stumbled up the stairs to their room. Minho closed the door and pressed her up against it as she undid the last few buttons of his shirt and pushed it to the ground.

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