Chapter 6 - Han

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"All mine!" Jisung joked as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"You need to let me breathe for that to happen." Bada joked back as Jisung realized he may have been choking her.

"Hey, be nice to our Bada." Changbin piped up from another room.

"Sorry." Han replied stepping back and lowering his head slightly.

Minho came into the room looking a bit more rough then the last time they'd all seen him. He didn't say a word as he got what he needed and moved to the couch, trying to hide the wince of pain that briefly crossed his face.

Bada noticed, Chan noticed, Jisung was oblivious. He looked back and forth between them and gave a confused look.

"Why are you all staring at me?" Minho asked as he settled back into the couch.

"No reason." Chan said quickly going back to what he was doing.

"In other news..." Jisung started, "I'll be in my room whenever you're ready." He hugged her again, but more gently this time. He kissed the side of her neck lightly before he turned back towards his room.

She felt like she didn't really know much about him. She knew he could be loud and was constantly singing at the top of his lungs, but she had a feeling he also had a more laidback side and that's what she wanted to know more about.

About half an hour later she let herself into Jisung's room. It was cleaner than she thought, but there was a pile of clothes on a chair in the corner. His desk was cluttered, but had a clear space for his laptop. The dresser had just one too many things that kept it from closing and his shoes were lined up against the wall.

"I know it's messy. I'm sorry." He said standing up and putting his hands behind his back.

"It's ok, Hannie" she said sitting down on his desk chair.

"Im sorry you have to be here with me. I know you're worried about Minho." He said, his cheeks flushing.

"We're all worried about Minho. Might as well take our minds off of it, right?"

That was a lie. She didn't like how his entire mood had changed, almost overnight. He seemed to be in pain, but refused to talk to anyone about it, even her.

"Yeah I guess." He shrugged. "Look, I don't know what you're expecting..especially after Chan and Binnie. I mean, I just...don't have a lot of experience. I mean, I'm not a virgin. I just don't usually do well with girls, I get really loud and annoying when I'm nervous and........I'm sorry."

"I swear, you guys apologize waaaaay too much." Bada laughed as a nervous Jisung shoved his hands in his pockets. "Don't you think this is a lot for me too? I'm required to sleep with eight men in eight weeks. It's a lot. Constantly wondering what people think of me..." she lowered her head as she felt tears sting her eyes.

Jisung noticed a flash of something in her eyes. Shame? Nervousness? Anxiety? He wasn't sure. He reached out in front of him and ran his thumb gently along her bottom lip. He knew a thing or two about all those emotions, especially anxiety.

"I can make you feel better." He said quietly. "If you want me too. You seem a little stressed out."

"How? You have a magic wand?" She joked giving him a sarcastic look, the tears threatening to spill over.

"I got my trait license around the same time Chan did. I can help." He said placing his palm on her cheek.

"What's your trait then?" She was nervous. She was nervous that something was wrong with him, not Jisung....she was worried about Minho. He could be sick or dying. He's a purebred vampire in pain. That doesn't make any sense. If she was going to finish this rite, she needed help and if Jisung could help she was going to take it.

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