Chapter 1

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"Today is the day, guys!" Felix said playfully bouncing up and down on his toes with his hand in his pockets.

"Yeah, let's not get our hopes up." Hyunjin muttered as he walked away.

"Why not?" He asked calming down and looking disappointed.

"Cause we've already had to delay this by two years. They found someone compatible at the very last minute. She hasn't been fully trained, she doesn't know anything about the rite, and to be honest the rest of you don't know either." Minho said waving them all off and grabbing a bottle of blood from the fridge and taking a sip before looking disgusted. "Ugh. Why can't they make this synthetic stuff at least taste good. We need a blood run for the real stuff."

"What time will Saejin be here?" Jeongin asks nervously about their manager. Minho felt the worst for Jeongin, especially since he knew what the poor kid was going to have to do.

Chan quietly entered the room and slumped down on the couch. "So let me get this straight. Saejin brings a girl, girl smells like food, we can't eat the food?" He smirked slightly at Minho.

"You'll get a taste during the binding but that's it. She'll need to feed from you too. But that's after....uh...the other thing." Minho trailed off while the seven of them looked at him confused.

"Wait. We can feed live? Like from the vein? I though that was illegal!" Changbin said sitting up straight with an excited look on his face.

"Yeah, but there's two exceptions. During a binding rite OR if you're severely injured and need it to survive." Minho said starting to get annoyed. "Is this 20 questions binder edition or something? Didn't you guys read any of the packet I gave you?"

"I just figured that you, our resident purebred, would explain the crap we needed to know." Jisung stated as he slouched into the couch further than he already was.

Minho brought his hands up to his face and shook his head. "She'll be here in 25 minutes. GO READ THE PACKET!"

Minho took a deep breath and stared at Jeongin who still sat on the couch after the others scrambled away. "You too, Jeongin" Minho scolded.

"Oh I read it last night" he smiled.

"The whole thing?" Minho challenged, now concentrating and hearing the thoughts going through his head.


"You seem awful calm considering you've read it."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"The sex, Jeongin. You read that part?" Minho knew it was an embarrassing topic for the youngest. He'd come from a religious family that considered that to only be done after marriage. They were still trying to accept the fact that their son was a vampire.

"The what?" He asked confused.

Minho let out a frustrated sigh. "Go read it!"

Exactly 20 mins later they all started filing out of their rooms and looked more confused than ever before.

"So we allll the same uhhhh.......the bite...." Felix mumbled scratching the back of his head.

"Yes" Minho said sternly.

"I mean we don't gotta all do it once right like this isn't some crazy orgy thing right?" Hyunjin asked.

"Oh my god." Minho rolled his eyes as there was a knock on their door. Hyunjin opened the door and Saejin stood there with a wide smile.

All of their eyes darted around him trying to find the girl. As he stepped aside a petite young woman stepped forward with pink cheeks and her head bowed down. Her shoulder length black hair fell is large curls around her shoulders. The fitted white dress she wore made her caramel skin look a little darker. She slowly raised her head and introduced herself.

"I'm Shin Bada." She said again lowering her head.

Jisung couldn't tell if it was because she was shy or if she was taught to not look them in the eye. He was hoping it was the first one because step one of the binding rite was gonna be awkward if it was the second one.

The boys stood in a line introducing themselves one by one as she gently shook their hands.

Saejin put a hand on her shoulder and looked at all of us. "You have 8-12 weeks to get this done. 1 week for each of you. The first two are to get to know each other and form a bond. The other two are only if something goes wrong. Once that time is up you'll be transferred back to about 50% of your current schedules. That is just for an adjustment period. Bada? They'll behave themselves. I promise" Saejin finished winking at her and walking back towards the door.

"Please tell me there's a room where I can take this dress off and actually wear pants like a normal person?" She laughed awkwardly. Instantly dropping the shy and meek persona she had held before Saejin left.

Changbin spoke up and pointed her towards the room in their dorm that had always been empty for this purpose. "The room at the end of the hall is yours."

A look of relief spread across her face as she walked back towards the room to change.

"Changbin. Please think about absolutely ANYTHING else." Minho whined looking back at him.

"Heh. Sorry." He said as his cheeks flushed red. "Why you got that turned on right now anyway?"

"To keep weirdos like you in check." Minho hissed.

"Wow." Jisung breathed, "She's hot" he said practically drooling.

"HAN! Please. Just stop thinking. Think of a black pitch dark room. Anything. Dirty socks. ANYTHING ELSE." Minho said as he smacked Jisung in the back of the head.

"Does she know what we are?" Chan asked quietly.

"Honestly they found her so last minute I'm not sure what she knows." Minho sighed frustrated.

As they all still stood there trying to figure everything out, Bada returned from her room with baggy jeans a fitted white t-shirt. She flopped herself down onto the couch and they all carefully sat near her. The others were usually fine around blood, around humans.

Minho on the other hand had a harder time. He tried to not breathe. He tried to sit as far away as he could without being weird. The synthetic blood he's had earlier made him feel full, but it didn't stop the craving. He could smell her, she smelled like something familiar to him, but he couldn't place it. Lavender and vanilla, small hints of honey and cinnamon. He was so lost in her scent that when Chan asked him a question he didn't even notice at first.

"You good Min?" Chan asked again.

"Yep" he said again trying his hardest to hold his breath.

" know why you're here?" Seungmin asked politely.

"I'm a 5th generation binder, so I know a little bit, but a lot of information isn't allowed to be passed down for some reason." She shrugged her shoulders.

"I didn't know it worked like that" Felix spoke up.

"Sometimes. A lot of the original binder families have died off, but we're one of two that still produce binders" she continued.

"So we've got two weeks to get to know you before we start. What do you wanna know?" Minho sat forward on his knees. Instantly regretting how just the subtle movement made her smell just a little bit stronger.

"All of it?" She asked shyly.

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