Chapter 9 - Jeongin

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Bada was tired of feeling so down. She was almost done. Jeongin and then Minho. Two more. She can do that.

"Seungmin! Can I talk to you?" She asked as he walked into the living room.

"Oh yeah, sure" he said shrugging.

"I need to apologize. I don't know what's wrong with me." She said lowering her head and avoiding eye contact.

"Ah, don't worry about it. I know you've got a lot on your mind." He said sitting down next to her and lifting her head. "Besides, I think I'm asexual anyway. It was going to be awkward no matter what" he smiled at her.

"Wait, what?" She said her eyes widening at him and he laughed.

"Yeah, it's just not my thing." He smiled.

"I was still not in the best mood. It wasn't fair to you." Bada said quietly, "you did help me feel a little better though. You're a good friend, Seungmin."

"I try." He laughed as he got up. "You're almost done, then we can all hang out and not worry about all the craziness in this house."

"Are you feeling any better?" She asked. He'd explained to her what had been happening. Apparently, he'd been having hallucinations and that's who he'd been talking to.

"So much better, not seeing things anymore!" He said as while face lit up while he smiled. "Now go hang out with Innie. He's been nervous for days."

Just as they finished their conversation, the doorbell rang loudly through the house.

Bada went to the door and opened it to find a young man who swiftly turned around as she stood there confused. He looked familiar, his eyes were exactly like Minho's.

"Hello, sweetheart. Any chance I could come in?" He asked flashing a bright smile.

"Depends on who you are." She replied.

"Oh! Excuse me, I'm Jihoon. I'm —"

"What're you doing here?" Chan asked as he walked to the door. "Did Minho call you?"

"Ahhhh, grandpa." Bada said as she nodded her head.

"Oh god, please don't call me that. Jihoon is fine." The man replied.

"Come on in, I'll get Minho." Chan said closing the door behind him. He was well dressed, didn't look a day over 25 of course. Pretty good deal to be nearly 500 and look so young. He was wearing a striped button down that was half tucked into his distressed jeans and black converse. Bada never would have guessed.

Chan walked back towards Minho's room to get him.

"Sweetheart, you feeling ok?" Jihoon asked putting his hands on her shoulders.

"Don't call her that, why do you do that? It's creepy." Minho said as he leaned against the back of the couch for support.

"Wow. You look like crap." Jihoon said as he walked to Minho and patted his cheek with the palm of his hand.

"Gee. Thanks."

"We need to talk." He said as he put an arm around Minho's shoulders and led him back to his room.

Bada rolled her eyes and shrugged as he headed for Jeongin's room. While the conversation with Seungmin slightly helped her mood, she still wasn't ok. She thought she was hiding it well, but Jihoon picked it up right away.

"Innie?" She said letting herself in his room.

"Bada!" He said bounding out of his closet and giving her a hug. "Let's make you feel better." He said as she gave him a surprised look.

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