Chapter 5 - Hyunjin

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"Baaaadaaaaa"  Bada heard Hyunjin whine as she entered the living room. She immediately shifted her weight onto one foot and crossed her arms and stared at him.

"Whhhaaaattttt..." She mimicked back. A huge smile spread across his face as he started to laugh at her reaction.

"You're all mine this week!" He said excitedly as he skipped over to her.

"Yes. How could I forget?" She laughed back sitting at the kitchen island as usual. She felt Hyunjin's chest lightly against her back as he placed one hand on either side of her, leaning forward, and whispered in her ear.

"My room. One hour." Before he slowly backed away. Her eyes widened and a shocked look lingered on her face. She hadn't expected him to be so forward. Not from what she knew of the most dramatic guy she'd ever met. Minho walked into the living room and gave her an odd look.

"Why do you look scared?" He laughed as he opened the fridge.

"Ahem" she choked, "nothing" she said as she shook her head and tried to regain her train of thought.

Minho was trying to seem lighthearted but just as he opened the fridge he felt a strange tightness in his chest. He kept his head down pretending to find something in the fridge, keeping his head covered by the door. He didn't have a beating heart to cause pain, he'd never had a muscle pain in his life. So what the hell was this?

"Minho?" Seungmin asked. Minho lifted his head trying to pretend that the odd feeling had gone away.

"Hmm?" He asked surprised.

"You look weird." Seungmin noted.

"It's nothing." He answered unsure. Trying to wave off Seungmin's concern.

At least Seungmin was feeling a bit better. He was talking to himself quite as much anymore. It seemed that starting the right was working.

"So, Hyunjin this week." Minho said to Bada finally putting his mug of blood in the microwave.

"Yep. I gotta go shower." She answered starting to hop off her seat.

"Wait, did you eat?" He asked actually looking concerned.

"No, but you know Hyunjin. Flour Boy, King of snacks. I'll be ok." She said heading back for her bathroom.


An hour later she wandered into Hyunjin's room. She couldn't help but notice the amount of canvases gently and neatly stacked in a corner of the room. The two easels filled with some unfinished works. A table under the window that was marked with fallen paint droplets and clean brushes stuffed into an already full pencil holder. Tubes of paint in every color were scattered across the entirety of the table too.

She ran her fingers along the droplets of paint as she neared the unfinished painting to the right of the window. She tilted her head to the side, trying to determine who it was he was painting.

"It's you" He said quietly from behind her. His hands shoved in his pockets. "Doesn't look like you yet, but I'm waiting for this layer to dry before I add some more."

She spun around and smiled at him excitedly. "Me?!"

He silently nodded his head with a warm smile on his face.

"No one's ever even taken a photo of me before...much less painted me." She said softly staring at the painting. She didn't know why it touched her so deeply. She'd spent her life loving and feeling like a ghost. Here he was making her feel like he could actually see her.

"Not a single one? Not even a candid one on a cell phone?" He asked confused.

"Never had a cell phone." She admitted sitting down next to Hyunjin.

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