Chapter 18

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The separations had been to be expected. Long days and long nights. Surviving only by phone calls, video calls, and texts. One month apart followed by 36 hours together. Until today.

Today was the day that marked the start of three months apart. Three months with no contact. Three months with no ability to truly know how the other is doing. Three months with their minds telling them that the other doesn't love them anymore.

This was the final step. The last thing they had to do before truly returning to everyday life as mates.

"I can't do this, Min" Bada whispered with her forehead against his. She'd been crying since last night. Her eyes were red and swollen, her cheeks were puffy and Minho had been trying to be strong, but eventually broke down too.

"I know, baby. I hate this." Minho responded wiping the tears from her face. She looked up at him and put her hands on his cheeks. Trying to study his face to lock away in her mind for later.

Bada was leaving, she'd be in Japan with Eunji for the next three months. Both of them completely cut off from one another. They'd initially decided that Bada would stay in Seoul, just a different area at the opposite part of the city, but Jihoon had worried that the temptation of being so close would be too great. If they saw each other before the three months were over they'd have to start all over again. While that may not be the end of the world, it would only elongate their time apart.

"It's not going to be the same around here without you." Minho whispered brushing his lips softly against hers.

Just as Bada was about to reply, Jihoon stuck his head in the door before opening it fully, signaling it was time to leave. Bada burst into tears again, holding onto Minho as he was was going to fly away. "No, I can't!"

"It's time to go, Bada." Jihoon said frowning. Knowing from experience that this would be the hardest three months of their existence. He and Eunji had only survived it by the skin of their teeth. If anyone knew how hard this was going to be it was Jihoon and Eunji.

"Please just let me go to the airport with you guys" Minho pleaded.

"No, I'm sorry, Minho. It's best you stay here." Jihoon said putting a hand on his shoulder and looking at them both. "You guys can do this. You'll be ok."

"No, wait!" Minho said grabbing her by the elbow and pulling her back into him. "I love you, please remember that I love you, Bada...with everything in me." He said as tears escaped his eyes.

"I love you too, Min." She said between breaths. Jihoon looked at them suddenly remembering the exact day he had to leave Eunji for three months. It had felt like his heart was ripped from his chest when he walked away from her. He had felt empty and alone for the entire time he was away.

"Bada..." Jihoon said gently putting a hand on her back to signal it was time to leave.

Minho sat down on the end of his bed as a burning pain settled into his chest, and fresh tears burning in his eyes. He heard the front door close and he buried his face in his hands and cried as Jisung sat down next to him to keep him company as he completely fell apart.

Month 1

Three hours later Bada and Eunji arrived at a beautiful home in hokkaido prefecture. The northernmost island in Japan and a much calmer atmosphere compared to Seoul. Also home to one of Jihoon and Eunji's many homes.

 Also home to one of Jihoon and Eunji's many homes

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