Chapter 19

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Bada laid in bed and watched the snow fall outside her window. The world had always felt so peaceful and quiet when it snowed. It was her favorite time of year. However, this year, it felt dead and cold. She felt incredibly alone in a foreign country away from the one person she wanted most.

There was a time when leaving Korea for another place sounded exotic and exciting. Especially Japan. She'd always had so many things she wanted to see or do, but this wasn't the time for that.

"Bada, I made you some tofu stew. Would you like some?" Eunji said sitting on the edge of her bed and putting a hand on her shoulder.

Bada wiped the tear from her face and shook her head. Eunji was surprisingly good at cooking for a person who didn't eat food. But right now, she wasn't hungry. Just like the day before, and the day before that.

She'd never expected that it would be this bad. Words were hard, she should have paid more attention when Jihoon was mentioning that they'd go nonverbal for a while near the end.

"Well, I'll put it in the fridge for you in case you're hungry later. You really do need to try and eat something, maybe you'll drink the broth?"

Bada again shook her head no and Eunji got up and walked back downstairs.

Each snowflake outside just piled on top of another. Each unique snowflake just fell on top of one giant pile of snow, losing everything that made it special. She felt like she had lost everything that made her special. Like she'd fallen through the air, as unique as can be, and then crash landed into the ground.

A few minutes later, Eunji came back in with a mug of broth and forced Bada to sit up. She groaned in defiance as she held the mug to her lips and forced her to drink. The broth would have tasted great under normal circumstances, but right now she just wanted to spit it back out. She swallowed hard and grimaced as she leaned against Eunji's shoulder.

She tried to place the cup back up to her lips and Bada moved her face away. "Bada, honey, please. Just a few more sips and I'll leave you alone. You're so dehydrated. I don't want to have to set up an IV."

A defeated look spread across her face as she continued to stare out the window. New tears spilled down her cheeks as she accepted defeat. She took another sip of the warm liquid and another after that before pushing the cup away.

"I'll be back with some water later. You need fluids." Eunji stated as Bada laid back down and curled up in a ball.

"DON'T BITE ME!" Jihoon yelled as Changbin and Chan held Minho down to his bed. He was snarling as gnashing his teeth as Jihoon tried to place an IV to feed Minho. Blood transfusions were the only way to feed a vampire that wouldn't eat.

"C'mon, Minho, stop fighting us!" Chan said through gritted teeth. Even Jisung using his trait to calm him wasn't working.

"I feel weird singing at this point." Jisung said giving up.

"Min, just relax." Felix said calmly from the foot of the bed.

"Damnit Felix! You can't call him that right now!!" Seungmin said as Minho thrashed harder against his friends. They'd learned early on that calling him 'Min' was a bad idea. It either made him incredibly angry or incredibly depressed. That's what Bada calls him and if he can't hear it from her, he didn't react well to hearing it from anyone else.

"Ok! Let him go." Jihoon said as they all stepped back at the same time. Minho curled up in a ball on his bed and hid his face. Jihoon stepped towards him cautiously to adjust the IV tubing and Minho snarled at him to show his dominance.

Jihoon grabbed Minho's face and snarled back showing who was in charge, "Don't you ever do that to me! You know better, Minho!"

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