Chapter 17

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Bada woke up the next morning and rolled over to face Minho. His hair was in his face, his lips were just barely parted as he breathed in slow shallow breaths. She put her hands under her cheek as she laid there hoping to stare at him long enough that she could memorize him. She wanted to remember him so clearly that she wouldn't miss him as much today.

When his alarm went off, he shoved his face into his pillow and groaned. Bada smiled and kissed the tip of his nose before he finally opened his eyes.

"How is it morning already?" He complained before pulling Bada tighter to him. He nuzzled his face into her shoulder while she giggled.

"You got home kinda late." She whispered tanging her fingers in his hair. She snuggled her cheek down on top of his head.

"I hate leaving you." He said muffled. "I wanna take you with me."

"I wanna go with you." She said as he pulled his face up and looked at her. He leaned up and pressed his lips softly to hers before rolling on his back and rubbing his face.

"When I get home tonight, we need to talk. There's something we have to do this weekend." He said sitting up and trying to wake up.

"Ok? You make it sound like I'm in trouble." Bada said unsure.

"No, it's not like that.'s something I really don't wanna do, but we have to." He said shaking his head in frustration.

She sat on her knees behind him and wrapped her arms around him one last time before he got up. "I love you."

"I love you too." He said as she kissed his neck and he stood up.


"Breathe, Min. She's fine." Jisung said sitting next to him and rubbing his back. She was crying again. He was always fine until she cried. That's when the pain in his arm and chest flared up.

Minho shook his head, "you don't know that."

"Call her. Check on her. I'm sure she's fine. She just misses you." Changbin said as he sat next to him.

"I can't. If I call her it makes me wanna go home. I can't call her."

"Do you want me to?" Chan asked gently. Today was worse than yesterday. Minho had been in a bad mood all day. Just wanting to have Bada near him.

"Please. I can't take this." Minho begged. The fact that Bada was still half human made this more difficult for him. While her emotions were all over the place, she didn't feel the burning pain that Minho did. She didn't feel the physical pain of their separation, not like him.

While Chan spoke with Bada, Minho continued to sit on the floor and tried to ignore the chest pain. Jisung put a hand on Minho's knee and squeezed while Changbin and Seungmin put a hand on his back and rubbed.

He understood they just wanted to make him feel better, but he honestly just didn't want anyone touching him. When Changbin accidentally brushed against his mark, he immediately bared his fangs and snarled at him. Causing everyone to turn at look at him with their hands up before he got up and ran from the room.

When he found an empty practice room to hide in, he found a corner and pulled his knees up to his chest. Silence only made what she felt even louder. He had his hands over his ears and by the time Chan found him he was rocking back and forth.

"Min" Chan said quietly, afraid to touch him.

"no, no, no" he muttered quietly.

"Hey." Chan said gently touching his fingertips to Minho's left arm. Minho let out a low growl and backed further into the corner.

The Binder and her VampireDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora