Chapter 2

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"I thought they taught you some of what to expect?" Minho asked in shock.

"I didn't have time. I was the only 'compatible' person for your group. I didn't have a chance." She sighed.

"Ugghh" he whined as he threw himself back into the chair and let out a frustrated grunt. Why did he have to explain? Again? Why did he have to be the only one that had even the slightest idea of what was happening?

The rest of the members sat around the room staring at him, probably hoping that he'd explain the packet he'd given them earlier.

"I'm going through this once. Only because she needs to hear it. You seven....are hopeless."

The seven of them all looked at him and then lowered their heads, suddenly embarrassed that they couldn't seem to get the whole thing down.

"So the entire process can take up to 12 weeks. Two weeks prior so she can get to know us. 8 weeks for the actual rite. One week for each of us. Then two weeks after for any problems that may arise."

"So what do we do when it's their week?" Bada asked. This was the part that Minho had been trying to avoid. He knew that she was a virgin. It was required for a binder, but he also knew a couple of his members were too.

"Ok, there's really no specific thing to do per day except day one. Sex and blood sharing HAS to be done day one—"

"Why?" Changbin raised his hand and asked.

"Well, if you'd let me finish I'll tell you."

"Oh" Changbin lowered his hand and sat back.

"Afterwards you're going to be extremely protective of her. You'll need to stay where you are in your room for the rest of the week. Mostly because the rest of us won't know what you see as a potential threat. You'll also need to stay extremely close to each other. She'll be fine, but you'll be in excruciating pain if she isn't close enough to you. Those two things together make a crazy vampire." Minho paused.

"I'm being stuck in a room with a hormonal, crazy, vampire giving off pheromones left and right?!" Bada said terrified, "Not to mention I have to have sex with them AND feed them?!"

"It's really not like that. They feed from you, you feed from them. The sex creates the connection and the blood seals it." Minho explained, "We get protective of you, we want to keep you safe. We're not going to hurt you. Once the binding rite starts we will never be able to physically hurt you. If we ever need to feed from you, our bodies know when it's too much, we know to stop."

"Still not sure I'm ok with this." She mumbled with her hand over her face. Probably trying to hide that she's uncomfortable. She noticed suddenly that Seungmin seemed to be talking to himself, mumbling so softly that no sound was coming out. "What's with him?" She said jabbing her thumb in Seungmin's direction.

"He's why we're doing this so suddenly. We should have done this two years ago. Usually around the 3 year mark. We're at five. He's starting to show signs of—"

"Crazy. He's showing signs of crazy." Hyunjin interrupted.

"If he's—" she asked.

"Once we start the rite he'll start to get better. That's the reason covens do this. It quite literally keeps us sane." Minho said before she could finish.

"As an unbound coven, 2 years past when most covens do this, our vampire instincts are telling us something is wrong. It keeps us on edge and can eventually cause us to go insane." Minho sighed.

"The only other thing you really need to know right now is the order we have to go in. Chan is the leader, he goes first, then we go in age order. So Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin. Since I'm the only purebred I have to go last."

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