Chapter 4 - Changbin

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"Changbin!" Minho yelled as he came out of Changbin's room. "What did I tell you?!"

Changbin lowered his head but then looked up with a smirk on his face. "No handcuffs?"

"Then, please tell me, why the fuck you still have seven pairs of cuffs in your room? Who even needs that many?" Minho said smacking Changbin on the back of the head.

"Oh come on! They're fun!" He protested trying to take them from Minho.

"We're being nice, not making her a sub. She's new to this remember?" Minho said trying to get his message through.

"Oh fine." He mumbled. "But maybe she'd like it."

"Maybe I should throw you outta the coven." Minho countered.

"Ok! Fine! Vanilla, got it."

Bada sat back in her room listening to the 'conversation' between Changbin and Minho. Quietly thankful that Minho was making sure he wasn't going to push her too far. She'd just spent a pretty good week with Chan. She wanted to keep that going, not have Changbin make things....whatever he was thinking of making them.

She'd been more nervous about Changbin than any of the others. Mostly because of the comments he'd been making, not that he was being disrespectful, just that she had no idea what she was getting into.

Around early after noon, there was a knock on her door. Peeking out from behind her door she saw Minho standing there, leaning against her door frame.

"Are you alive?" He joked as she opened the door the rest of the way and sighed. "You heard me yelling at him didn't you?" He asked laughing.

"Maybe." She answered unsure. Minho smirked and looked back up at her.

"He's a good guy, he's just a little.....kinky sometimes." He laughed.

"Yeah, probably not what I'm into." Bada said stepping back and sitting on the edge of her bed.

Minho stayed leaning against the door frame as Chan walked by and noticed Bada with an uncomfortable expression on her face.

"Bin?" Chan asked.

"Bin." Minho answered.

"Not into red rooms, huh?" Chan joked.

She looked up at Chan, "what's a red—-Nevermind, I don't wanna know." She said throwing her hands up in surrender.

Chan looked at Minho. Minho nodded and walked off, going back to his own business. Chan closed the door behind him and sat down next to her.

"I know you're scared. I know he can't close his mouth about certain things, but he's not going to hurt you. Consent is always a big deal, especially during a binding. If you say no he won't do it." Chan explained. "He wouldn't hurt you unless you ask for it or say it's ok."

"Wait, people are into that?" She said her eyes widening. Chan threw his head back and laughed.

"Oh you have no idea what people could be into."

"Please. I really don't wanna know. Can't I just do another week with you and skip him?" She laughed. He, at least, was calming her down.

There was another knock at the door just before Changbin stuck his head in. "Mind if I butt in?" He asked.

Chan nodded his head and kissed her on the cheek before silently getting up and leaving her alone.

"I'm sorry you heard that whole thing with Minho." He said standing awkwardly in front of her.

She swallowed hard and nodded.

"I promise I wouldn't do anything you're not comfortable with. I'm sure they told you that." He said quietly pointing his thumb to the door behind him. "If I could give you time to warm up to me I would, but we still have to do this today. I'm sorry that was your first impression of me." He finished hanging his head embarrassed.

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