Chapter 86: Race Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

"I am worrying about today, which is why I am not eating." Emilia answered gesturing to her mostly full plate.

"You are already the talk of the paddock, everyone wants you on their team. The result doesn't matter. Williams didn't expect to get P9 let alone P3 so everyone will be hardly disappointed if you don't get it today. You know you're one of the best and I have no doubt that you will show that today and whatever happens with McLaren. Just try your best and that's all that matters." Toto said.

"Thank you Toto." Emilia smiled. She appreciated Toto's advice but was conscious of using up too much of his time. He had two drivers of his own to worry about. "Do you need to go?"

"Yeah I should go." Toto replied checking his watch. "You are welcome to come to our afterparty as well as George and Lando if he doesn't crash into our cars or yours. Good luck, you'll do great but only if you eat some breakfast." Toto emphasised as he got up.

"Yeah I will, thank you. Good luck to you too." Emilia smiled and Toto left. She managed to eat about half of her breakfast. The sickness feeling almost went away but it returned on the way to the circuit either due to Christine's bad driving or the race being that much closer. Christine noticed Emilia's quietness and tried to pump her up.

Emilia's afternoon was packed but it wasn't enough to avert the sick feeling in her stomach. It came to the time where her and George were saying their final goodbyes to the team before the race. They still had to go and warm up before they got in the cars but Emilia had changed into her race overalls anyway. The team gathered in the garage.

"You okay?" George asked quietly while the team were gathering around.

"Yeah I'm just nervous." Emilia replied. Not just nervous for the race but nervous of what she was going to say to the team. "Is it that obvious?"

"Not that obvious. I can do the talking if you want." George offered but Emilia shook her head.

"I want to say something at least." Emilia answered and George nodded. Jost started by saying something.

"Thank you all for joining me in the garage. I mean what a season, wow. We should be so proud of this year. We managed to win two races this season in Monaco and Silverstone."

"And Russia." Emilia added. She could not believe he'd forgotten her win, or maybe he hadn't.

"Oh yes in Russia too. That's three wins. At the end of last season we'd be happy to take three races in the points but everyone's hard work over the winter break meant we produced this." Jost gestured to the car in the garage. "We kept strong throughout the season and didn't drop down the order like our competitors thought we would. And to our drivers, how could I forget, you've added a lot to our team this year and it's a shame to see you leave." Emilia was not convinced Jost thought it was a shame she was leaving seeing as he was the one who dropped her without telling her. "Anyway, I hope next season is a good one, similar to this, except with an exciting new driver line-up. Unfortunately, Nicky could not be here today and Valtteri is obviously racing with Mercedes. But before that, we have to look to today. Hopefully, it will be a good race with lots of points. Good luck everyone, I'm sure it will all run smoothly and then we can party later." Everyone cheered and Emilia clapped and smiled as well but she was unhappy her win was forgotten. It was George's turn next.

"Having spent three years here, this year was definitely the best. The progression I have seen while we've been here is incredible. We've gone from the back of the grid to essentially the front of the grid. If this team keeps progressing, I might be fighting you next season in a Mercedes. I've really enjoyed working here and everyone deserves the victories we've had the season. It's been a good couple of years and thank you to Jost and to everyone for letting me be part of that." George said finishing with a smile. Applause followed. It was Emilia's turn to say something.

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