Long Drive

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Part 71!

Jane P.O.V

It was around eleven in the night when I heard a small knock on my door. I opened it and saw Jungkook oppa wearing a whole leather black outfit looking damn hot.

Jungkook: Get ready fast. We have to leave.

Jane: Alright.

Soon I changed into a black outfit with matching leather jacket. I wore some rings and my necklace and opened the door for him. I avoided makeup because it's night time so it'll be so dark and nobody's gonna see my makeup.

Jungkook: So we're twinning now. That's pretty good.

 That's pretty good

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Jane: Yeah kinda. Did you informed the others?

Jungkook: Yeah they allowed us. Moreover, you're an agent that means you're well skilled so they're relieved now.

Jane: That's good. Let's go before it's too late.

He nodded and wrapped his arms around my waist and we both started to move towards the garrage. He looked around in search of a car and I was there in the corner playing with a car key, already knowing that he'll choose that car. I'm kinda confident as it's one of the best cars in the world and nobody can ever reject choosing that car.

 I'm kinda confident as it's one of the best cars in the world and nobody can ever reject choosing that car

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Jungkook: Let's go in this one! I love this car. It's perfect for today!

Jane: Is there something special today?

Jungkook: Kinda we can say that. It's the first time we both are going for a long drive, alone.

Jane: So that's the special thing. Here take the keys. It's your turn to drive tonight.

Jungkook: I won't let you drive from now onwards, darling~

Jane: I think I should hire you as my new drive!

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