I Love Them

111 9 6

Part 31!

Janet P.O.V

We played games all night.

I never thought it would be so fun to play games with Taehyung and Jungkook oppa. They both are so cute. Especially Tae.

The way he laugh showing his beautiful boxy smile, his handsome face making me want to stare at his pretty face all day. His long and pretty fingers, his beautiful eyes I want to swim in his deep eyes, DAMN I'm simping over him.

I guess I like him........

Maybe I do...

What if he also? Nahh there's nothing special in me. He can't fall for someone as ordinary as me.

Leave it!

I woke up due to a knock on my door.

I opened the door and found Jungkook oppa.

Jante: Is everything alright oppa?

Jungkook: Yeah everything's alright. Uhmm..... I-I just wanted to ask you that....... That when we are going back?

Janet: It's still early. We'll go there at 10.

Jungkook: Ughhh....... Okay. Can't we make it a bit early?

Janet: Why? Is there anything urgent?

Jungkook: No! no. I just........ Wanted to meet Jane. Can you call her?

He said blushing.

Janet: Ooh so someone is missing Jane. Uh uh, well she might be sleeping right now. But if you say then I'll try.

Jungkook: Thank you so much Janet. You're the best!

I chuckled at his behaviour and called Jane.


'Yahh! Why are you up this early?'


'It's me bitch!'

'Oh, yeah I forgot'

'Now answer my question'

'I think I should ask you this question'

'Whatever. Open the door bish. We're out there freezing in this shitty garden'

'What are you doin' outside at this hour? Don't tell me that you dragged the members with you'



'Where the fuck you are?!'

'Wait..... Did you really believed me? You're such a fool'

'Why are you so damn irritating?'

'Girl! I never thought you would open the door! Hahahaha'

'Just stop laughing. This ain't funny'

'By the way, we'll be coming early today'


She said and ended the call.

Jungkook: Why did you told her that you're out there?

Janet: Do you want me to tell her that you're missing her?

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