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Part 41!

Jane P.O.V

I glared at Janet, who has been making the same mistake again and again. She mumbled me a small 'sorry' and that's the moment when I lost my temper.

Jane: Fuck your sorry! Your sorry won't stop you from making mistakes Janet! Only one day is left for the concer and still you're not prepared well.

Janet: I'm sorry I won't repeat this again. I really am.

Jane: *sighs* Look, I am sorry. I just didn't want our last concert to be a mess. And the word last means that it is the last concert before I join them, so don't think anything else. It's okay to make mistakes. I was being just a bit too strict. I'm sorry.

I sighed and Janet gave me a side hug.

Janet: It's okay Jane. You're not being strict. You're just worried about the concert. And moreover you're stressed. Chill up yourself and enjoy. It's not gonna be the last concert. We'll continue to make songs even after you left. Our concerts will still be there. Just give it some time, everything will be okay.

Only if I could give it some time.......
Would I be still standing here if I've given it some time......
Would she still be with me........
I used to have everything but time......

Jane: Let's continue.

I said and she nodded. We practiced again and again and this time none of us made a single mistake. After some time, we both practiced the vocals and went home.

Time Skipped

We both entered the mansion and Daniel ran down the stairs to meet us. The other members also reached us and asked about our preparation.

Jane: We're going to practice again today, at the main stadium to make sure everything goes well. Y'all wanna join us?

Namjoon: Sure. How can we miss this opportunity to see our new member practice in front of us for the first time. When are we leaving?

Jane: At 4. Make sure you all are ready. Let's not make any delays. And Janet I need you in my room in 20.

I said and left, without waiting for any reply.

Janet P.O.V

Janet: Sure... Geez she's scary. Thank God y'all agreed to come. If I made another mistake, I'd be a dead meat. Y'all will save me right?

Taehyung: Of course we will. I don't want my soon to be wife to be dead this early.

He said the last line in my ear, to prevent anyone else from hearing it. A shade of pink blush covered up my face as I tried to hide it while going to my room.

After sometime, I knocked her door and she opened it.

Jane: Help me choose another outfit.

Time Skipped to 4

Jane P.O.V

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