It's me bitch!

93 9 4

Part 29!

Jane P.O.V

12:48 am

The clock showed the time and I made my way toward Jimin.

I entered the living room and saw him sitting on the couch. I hopped beside him.

'By the way, what did you do when I wasn't here?'

'I ate....... And ate'

'Nothing else?'

'Umm....... Yeah, I visited your room. It was fabulous. The dark shade of the walls, the beautiful curtains, a well-maintained bed, and some pretty and small plushies. It looked cute'

'Yo-you... Entered... My... Room?....... We're there any files scattered around? Or any other paper?'

'No. But there I saw a photo frame. It was you and a boy in that pic. I don't know why but I think that I've seen him somewhere. He looked like one of my old friends'
As soon as he ended, shivers ran down my spine.

The photo frame he's talking about..... In that picture, it's me and Yeonjun. And now, he almost recognised him. It's good that I covered Yeonjun's face with my palm in the pic.

'Ohh really? What's his name?'

'Yeonjun. We both were from the same company. But one day his group disbanded and he never showed up. Even the members of his group don't have any updates about him'
His words were enough for me to realise that I'm fucked up so bad.

'Oh, well, that's kinda sad to hear-'
I was interrupted by a call

I excused myself and walked toward the balcony.


'Found that person'
As Yeonjun said these words I sighed in relief.

'That's a relief. When and where should I come?'

'Leave it I'll handle that. You make sure that nobody knows about this incident'

'That's on me. Thanks '

'No need to thank me. Just try your best not to get noticed by anyone'


'Are you free right now? Just for a small hangout'

'Jimin's here. It's the last day and after that, the members will be back. I'll try after they reach'

'Alright. Take care'

'You too'

End of conversation

'Who's that?'
I turned around, hearing a familiar voice, just to see Jimin standing, leaning on the wall.

'He's just my friend. W-why did you ask?

'Just like that. Let's go and play some games together'

'Oh okay'

Time skipped to the next day

I woke up due to the sound of chirping birds.

I looked at the time

5:04 am

It's still early and I don't want to leave the warmth of my duvet.

But I have to......

Morning is the time I hate the most.

The sun shining bright, making it difficult for anyone to see something clearly. The heat making you think that it was better inside your home. The noises made by the vehicles that are enough to burst your eardrum. And all the smoke released, make you feel like you're an asthama patient

All the things made me hate mornings.

Nights are way better than mornings.

No shining sun, dark everywhere.
The temperature decreases, making it more comfortable that can even make you stay out all night. But you can't, because if someone saw you staying out late they'll surely think that you're homeless. No noises of vehicles, so smoke released by them.
Only peace.

That's all I want.

I was distracted from my thoughts about peace by my phone ringing

Bishh is calling

Uh it's Janet.


'Yaah why are you up this early?'


'Its me bitch!'

'Ohh, yeah I forgot'

'Now answer my question'

'I think I should ask you this question'

'Whatever. Open the door bish. We're out there freezing in this shitty garder'

'What are you doin' outside, at this hour. Don't tell me you drag the members with you'

I sighed and walked towards the main gate

'Where the fuck you are?!'

'Wait.... Did you really believed me? You're such a fool'

'Why are you so damn irritating!!'

'Girl! I never thought you would open the door! Hahahaha'

'Just stop laughing. This ain't funny.'

'By the way, we'll be coming early today.'

I said and ended the call.

I entred Jimin's room and saw him sleeping peacefully.
Damn I can't resist his cuteness. How can I stop him from being my weakness.

I decided to have a warm bath first and then I'll wake this little naughty angel up.

After having a long, warm bath, I looked at the clock


'Jiminie oppa~. Wakie wakie it's morning'

'Uhumm..... Lemme sleep more. Please'

'C'mon it's already 6:30, wake up, the members will be here soon'

'Why are they comming this early? Leave it. I want to cuddle you, come here'
He said patting the space beside him

'Aww, oppa not now. If you obey me without any disagreement, then I'll cuddle you until the members reach here'


'Yeah. Promise'

'Fine then'
He said and walked towards the bathroom.

Why is he being so cute?
Especially after yesterday night

End Of Chapter

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