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Part 70!

Jane P.O.V

I watched him pull the trigger but nothing happened. I didn't even blinked. He handed the gun back to the guard and looked at me.

Peter Carter: You've unlocked the last stage Jenesis Parker.

It's really rare for him to call me by my name. The last time he called me by my name was when we met for the first time. At that time I was nothing but just a fragile child. I looked at him, confusion was clearly visible on my face.

Peter Carter: I know it's rare for me to call you by your name. The last time I called you like this was when we met. That was the beginning. And this is the end. You've unlocked the last stage which was death. Now you're the most powerful person because you're not even afraid of death. I'm proud of you.

I stood up and gave him a hug. He take care of me like a guardian. He supported me when I needed him the most. He influenced me to do something much bigger than anyone. He's my guardian.

I looked back at the members and they sighed in relief. The guards left them and they ran towards me and engulfed me in a tight hug.

Jane: Why? Why didn't you killed me?

Peter Carter: Because I was the one who sent them the pictures.

Jane: B-but why?

Peter Carter: Listen 18/11, you'll be living with these men so you need to trust them with your heart. You need to tell them everything even if it's going to hurt you. I know you love them so much and they're so precious for you but you need to reveal all the secrets now. It's the right time. Go back to your home and tell them everything about yourself.

I nodded and left to my house with the members. On the way, none of them spoke. Soon we reached home and all of us went straight to our rooms. I placed all the things back to its place and went towards the bathroom to take a long and cold shower.

After taking the shower I exited the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around my body and saw Jungkook oppa sitting on the bed with his phone.

Jungkook: I'm sorry. I'll come later.

He said and left. Soon I opened the door for him and he entered my room. We both sat on the bed when he handed me a packet of m&m chocolates.

Jungkook: You can share anything with us if you're comfortable.

Jane: I really want to.

Jungkook: Others are downstairs. If you wanna talk then we can go but only after eating this.

Jane: Alright.

We sat there with silence all around us. Only the sound of clock ticking was audible. As I was way too exhausted, I laid my head on Jungkook's shoulder and he hugged me while playing with my hair. After eating the chocolates we left to meet the others.

Jungkook: We're here. She wanna talk.

Jane: Uhm, I don't know from where should I start.

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