A Message

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Part 26!

Jane P.O.V

I woke up due to the bright sunlight hitting my face.

I squinted my eyes, trying to adjust the brightness of the sun.

The day is warm. But I'm lazy.

The warmth always make me lazy.
It made me feel like I'm lacking of sleep.

I actually am.
I know.
But I thought that I should not waste my time on sleeping.

There's many more things time do instead of sleeping.

I looked at the clock.

05:18 am

My sleep are short but enough.
For me.
I guess......

I looked beside me and found a lovely, cute, angel like figure sleeping next to me.

Park Jimin.

He looked so fine. He looked perfect.

His breathing remains calm. His eyes closed. A pout formed on his, really soft, plum lips. His hair messed up.

Like my life.........

I didn't realised when I zoned out for sometime until I felt that short angel beside me moving a bit.

I again looked at the time.



That was kinda a long zone out session.

I stood and went towards the bathroom.

Time skipped

I walked downstairs to cook.

It wasn't that dark there so I didn't opened the lights.

Its better to work in dark.

The dark colors made me feel relaxed.
And sometimes cry.

I picked up a glass to make me a coffee but stopped when I heard a little sound of something moving.

I freezed.

I slowly looked towards that direction but found nothing. Maybe because of dark.

Something's fishy. I hope nothing dangerous happens. What if it happens?

No! No! It can't happen. He don't know anything about me. Neither my location, nor my plan. He won't be coming here.

After a couple of minutes my coffee is ready so I walked towards the main hall and sat on the couch, sipping my coffee, enjoying the warmth in the days of winter.

Then my phone buzzed, gaining all of my attention.

It was an unknown number.

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