She will

168 8 5

Part 13!


I saw Jane walking towards her room.

I can see tears in her eyes.

But she wiped it quickly, not letting it fall.

I heard Jungkook calling her name.

But she didn't bother to look at him.

He started moving towards her but I stopped him.

I said

'Let me just tal-'

'She need time. Give her some, after that you can go and talk to her'
I said cutting him off.


'Please kook, understand'
Said Yoongi

'Hmm, okay'
He said accepting his defeat.

I smiled.


I didn't like the way her father talk to her.

He seemed rude.

His words were harsh.

But what does he mean by she isn't her mom.

I think there is something we should know but we don't know yet.

Tears were visible in her eyes.

Seeing her like that made my heart clench.

I don't know why but I feel like I can't see her crying.

It hurts me.

After she left, there was a pin drop silence in the room.

'I'm sorry for what happened right now'
Marie apologized

'Hey, it's not your fault'
Hobi said comforting her.

'It is! She told me about his calls. If I didn't opened the door, nothing like this would happen'
She said blaming herself

'You shouldn't blame yourself for what you didn't do'
Said Jin hyung

A drop of tear escaped her eye and then they flowed like river. Uncontrollably.

I don't know what to do.

I stood there looking at Daniel comforting Marie and she was still blaming herself.

Time skipped
Still Yoongi P.O.V

I saw Jane walking downstairs.

Is she going somewhere?

This thought occupied my mind.

'Mom. MOM!'
She yelled.

She doesn't seem to be in a good mood.

'Yea, what is it?'
Asked Marie

'I'm going to meet Junie. And after that I'll head toward my office. I'll be late tonight'
Jane said

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