Why Not?

121 9 5

Part 20!!


I opened my eyes as the sun shines brighter.

It feels really good to see sunlight in the month of January.

It's finally morning.

But not a normal one.

One of the most important morning for me.

Just imagine staying with your crush for whole two days without someone like Jungkook interrupting you.

It feels like a dream.

I couldn't stop thinking about today's morning.

I sat up and saw the time.

8:49 am

I decided to go out.

After my morning routine, I went towards the main hall because there was a lot noise coming from there.

And there I saw.

Everyone sitting on the couch except me and Jane.

Maybe she's still sleeping.

Maybe she couldn't sleep the whole night.

Thinking about me.

I mentally slapped myself for thinking something that couldn't happen.

I feel hurt.

It hurts knowing that your love is single sided.

Wait... Did I just said love?

What's wrong with me!!

Why am I thinking things like this?

'Ooh. Jiminie! Come join us'
Said Hobi hyung.

He's always energetic.

And whenever I says this the only question that came in my mind is How?

I joined Suga hyung who's still half asleep.

'What were y'all talking about?'
I asked

'Jungkook was telling how he, Tae and you planned to clean up the room that doesn't even exist. Remember? Some days before Jane signed the contract'
Said Jin hyung laughing.

I laughed.

We were so excited that we forgot that we didn't even have any extra room for her.

That's why we called PD-nim to check on the dorm.

Sometimes I think, how stupid can a human be.

Then Tae's face popped in my mind.

And then I didn't thought about that question anymore.

'Cause I got the answer.

(Author: Just Kidding😜)

'Where's Jane?'
I asked

'Wanted to see her that badly?Huh?'
Teased Hobi hyung

'Don't worry Jimin-ah, you'll be spending two days with her'
Said Namjoon hyung

'Don't you dare to do anything to Jane'
I heard Suga hyung whisper, not wanting anyone else to listen.

'I won't'
I answered shortly.

I couldn't say much because Yoongi hyung is kinda scary.

'Don't be scared of her. I know she's a bit scary but she'll not hurt you'
Marie said in a comforting

I replied

She smiled.

Jane doesn't seem scary to me.

I mean, I haven't seen her angry yet.

I was distracted by the sound of someone walking down the stairs.

I looked behind and saw Jane.

She was wearing a casual outfit which includes some accessories.

And a lil bit of makeup.

But a natural looking.

'Are you going somewhere?'
Janet asked

'Yeah. Going to meet Junns'

'Did you forget about the dare?'
Said Daniel

Thank you so much Dan......

'Ooh. I really forgot. I'll inform him'
She said and called someone.

She came and sat beside me.

My heart starts beating rapidly.

As she was sitting beside me, that means I can hear her conversation also with someone named 'Junns'.

(Jane's conversation with Junns)

'Hey Junns. I'm sorry I won't be able to make it today'.

'C'mon I have to do something.'

'Fine I'll buy you anything.'



She said as she passed her phone to Marie.

(Marie's conversation with Junns)

'Hey Junns'

'Awww. It's okay you can go with her after 2 days.'

'Don't worry I'll send her.'

'I can't wait to see you both together'

'Oh c'mon you both look so cute together'
Marie said and Jane glared at her

'You both will be the cutes couple ever'


'Yeah sure'

'Take care'

End of conversation.

'Mom!! Why are you always like this. I've told you many time not to bring this topic up again and again'
Jane said whining like a baby.

She looked cute.

'Well, he said he don't have any problem being in a relationship with you'
Marie said

'Still........ I don't want to talk about this anymore. I already told you'

I saw Daniel chucking.

'I think you should try'
He said

'I don't want to'

'Why not?'

Jane said raising her voice a bit.

'You both tried?'
Marie said and Janet chocked on air

'Yeah, but it doesn't worked out. Anyways we both are better as friends'

Everyone started teasing her.

'That's the first time my baby dated someone'
Marie said being a bit dramatic

'Stop it'

End Of Chapter

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