47 ~ The Peace Treaty

Start from the beginning

"Ranaji, before all the Kings and Princes present here give their vote, I would like to repeat the proposed laws and regulations. Which are like this. In exchange for the defence help from the Songarh which we will receive every month, we will give Jowar and pearl millet. And, we will have a fair trade of the other food crops with the Cheeranjeevigarh. Apart from that, all the trades will be conducted with other states as per the requirement basis, which means they are obliged to provide when they will be asked. Also, if any war-type scenario arises in any of the Kingdoms, we expect help in exchange for help. And, we and other states agree to stand beside the needy Kingdom with help. Except for these, other clauses are added in the respective contracts of each of the states due to confidentiality reasons,"

He finished and I looked at the Kings with a plain face and a kind of seriousness in the air.

The silence followed for a few moments and then Ranvijay continued abruptly.

"Now, I think we should start the voting,"

Just then he finished, suddenly a King said, standing up.


We all looked at him with slight shock and he looked at me.

"Ranaji, we all know about the current situation of the Suryagarh but a many of us were afraid of bringing this into the limelight,"

He said and inhaled a deep breath.

The nail index finger started scratching the side of my thumb as I listened to him further.

"We all heartly congratulate you for becoming the King and you surely is the most deserving one. But, still we all also have Kingdoms and here we are agreeing to help you in any war fare. Right?"

He asked and I nodded.

"Yes, absolutely,"

He brought his hand in front to animate it for me.

"We will agree to that. But, only on one condition,"

He said and I straightened my back and inhaled a deep breath.

"What condition?"

I asked.

And, he looked at everyone before continuing further.

"As we all the Kings of the small princely states. We do not hold that much of power. Any way with the big Kingdom might destroy you and then us,"

He said and I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"Kingdom like which?"

He lowered his gaze for a moment and then lifted his eyes back to look at me with confidence.

"Kingdom like Mahabaleshgarh,"

He said and a kind of chaos and shock spread in the air.

I stood up and said politely.

"Do not try to cross your limit,"

And, he smiled warmly before continuing.

"I am not even trying Ranaji. But, we all are clearly aware of the conditions and pasts of Suryagarh and Mahabaleshgarh. These two Kingdoms shares a history and now the forceful marriage between you and Princess Rajnanadani of Mahabaleshgarh. I do not know why they did not object it but I am certain that there is no peace treaty between these two massive Kingdoms. Which eventually would lead to a war between you two. I and all the present Kings wants a peace treaty between Mahabaleshgarh and Suryagarh before any peace treaties between the Surygarh and any princely states be signed,"

He finished and I inhaled a deep breath. I tried to calm my bubbling up anger a little and looked at the faces of the people present here for a moment.

They all were silent, but I could tell that they all were agreeing with him.

But, Mahabaleshgarh.


"This is not possible,"

I said to him with a plain and clear tone.

And, he blinked lowering his gaze for a moment.

The dramatic silence followed for a moment and he said.

"Then, I take a step back from signing the peace treaty. There will be no use of those peace treaties to us if we will be deploying our defence systems for the wars of these two Kingdoms. I and my state would like to stay in independence,"

I gritted my teeth and I could feel the tensions growing in the court room.

And, suddenly Ranvijay asked.

"Who are in the same view of the King Uday Singh ji?"

My nostrils flared as I saw the majority of the Kings standing up in his support and now my heart started beating a little faster.

I gulped and looked at them.

Ranvijay and Agastya also looked at me and I inhaled a deep breath.

I had to answer something.

As clearly, my problems had now just increased. In no world, I could sigh a peace treaty with Mahabaleshgarh not until the King and Queen were alive. They were reason why we suffered all this.

Like, how could someone consider to just kill another one. That too for something that was wrong.

He and she killed my father. She was promised to my father.

No way, I could not sign a peace treaty with them.

Yes, I knew that Nandani and I had got married but a peace treaty. That was too much.

But, I had to answer something.

"I want you all to wait to see what we can do in this regards,"

I said and they all looked at each other and sat down.

But, the person who proposed this were still standing and looked at me.

"Ranaji, this peace treaty is essential in so many ways,"

I inhaled deeply and immediately replied.

"Yeah, I have heard that so many times,"

He immediately shut his mouth and I looked at everyone.

"Now, I want you to all to rest and enjoy the special lunch for today,"

I said and stepped down the throne.

My mind had already boggled up insanely.

I walked out of the meeting hall putting the conversation to an end without realising what was the end of it.

My steps turned towards the terrace of the our chamber as I needed the time alone to think.

The whole day passed in walking here and there on the terrace of the chamber making uncountable scenerios in my mind, thinking of so many things and the possibilities.

The sun came to hide behind the horizon and I noticed the dawn right in front of my eyes.

I called an attendee and asked him to bring mattress and comforter right here as I needed time alone to think.

Looking at her face in this situation would make me remind of our condition even more. I did not want to hurt her.

The attendee came back with it and made the place to lay down.

I lay down removing my upper and pressed my head against the pillow and looked at the stars.

My mind trying to find out another way to solve the problem. We needed the support of these princely states to ensure our win against the Mahabaleshgarh, how could I end up signing the peace treaty with Mahabaleshgarh itself?

The night fell darker and it turned to midnight as the time passed.

I was deep in my thoughts and then suddenly my ear noticed the faded notice of anklet bells and someone was approaching here.

I lifted my gaze and looked at her walking closer to me.

She stood beside him and asked in a hurt, plain and sad voice.

"I was finding you for so long,"

Another Update!!!

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