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--NO! (INTJ)
--NO,ENFP! Please...let me explain. (INTJ)

Then explain yourself,man! I don't even know if I should trust him. But I could never think that he would hurt me.

--It was...ISTP's idea,and I agreed. Please,don't say anything and let me explain myself. (INTJ)

He puts his head in his hands.

--I can't even look at you,that's how much guilt and shame I feel. (INTJ)
--No,INTJ,look at me. (ENFP)
--I cannot- (INTJ)
--INTJ,I want you to look me straight in the eyes. (ENFP)


I tried to.

--I told you we're renovating the school we used to go to. (INTJ)
--Uh-huh. (ENFP)
--And we were running low on supplies. (INTJ)
--Mhm. (ENFP)

I can't help but to look the other way. If I look into this girl's eyes more than 20 fucking seconds I don't even know what I would do to her.

--INTJ,if you look away from me one more time I'm telling everyone how you were crying-begging. (ENFP)

Ugh...ENFP,you're going to be the death of me.

--And ISTP told me he knew some guys that could get me these supplies really fast. (INTJ)
--And you basically told the guys to return with supplies,but you didn't know that they have their own illegal ways of getting it. (ENFP)
--Exactly! (INTJ)
--And why are you telling me that it's your fault? (ENFP)
--Because of me,you could quite literally die! (INTJ)
--No,not because of you. You couldn't have known that this would happen. (ENFP)
--Yes,I cou- (INTJ)
--You can't see the future! (ENFP)
--I always know what's going to ha- (INTJ)
--No one has ever mastered or perfected everything,INTJ. Remember? (ENFP)
--...I don't care. I'm sorry. I don't know if you can forgive me but I'm never going to forgive myself. (INTJ)
--But I forgive you. (ENFP)

I scoff.

--Come on,you can't forgive me that easy. You almost died. (INTJ)
--Why? I'm forgiving you as much as for both me and yourself. Now come here. (ENFP)

ENFP signaled me to come in her arms. I went and hugged her.

--Wish I could hug you right now,but yea,human cables. (ENFP)

I look up to her and she had the purest smile. I was very sleepy.

--I wish I could sleep right here... (INTJ)
--And I would gladly be your pillow. (ENFP)

Just then ISFJ opened the door.

--Time's up,sir. I'm sorry. (ISFJ)
--Ok then...night,ENFP. (INTJ)

I rubbed her hair and left. Tonight was mind-blowing,truly.

~In the morning~

It's finally morning. Now let's work on my revenge plan.


Hospital beds are quite comfy. I woke up in one and I had a nice sleep. But what woke me up was very much noise. Of course,it's day and it's the hospital. ISFJ enters my room and says:

--Good morning,ENFP! How are you feeling? (ISFJ)
--I'm alright,my leg is kinda uncomfortable and the loud hospital noise woke me up,but it's fine. (ENFP)
--I'm sorry for that. I have some news though. (ISFJ)
--What news? (ENFP)
--We will move you in with other people since you're starting recovery. (ISFJ)
--I would like you to not shout,ok? It's for your own good. (ISFJ)
--Yea,ok,sorry. (ENFP)

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