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I screamed in horror. ESTP did,too. Because of ESTP,ISFJ was next. We all screamed until someone knocking on the door. We opened up to see ISTP with a menacing glare. He shouted at us:


We all stopped,frightened.

--Also,ENFP or whatever your name is,you look ridiculous with those drew on your face. I hate y'all,goodbye! (ISTP)

He slammed the door shut in our faces.


ISTP came back knocking. When ESTP opened up,ISTP said:

--I have 50 different types of knives,2 guns and an axe,and I can kill you with all of them. (ISTP)

And he left again.

--Y-you should be careful. (ISFJ)
--Don't worry babygirl,I will be just fine. (ESTP)
--Yea,yea,sure. Now tell me,how do I cover this up? (ENFP)
--What if you don't? (ESTP)
--Wash your face daily and let it fade naturally. (ISFJ)
--Yea,thank you. Sorry for the trouble caused,ESTP. I would let you alone with this sweet doll,but she gotta help me first. Byee! (ENFP)
--Bye! Don't forget to slay all day! (ESTP)
--Of course I won't forget! If you find a dildo message me. (ENFP)
--Unfortunately only a small one I shall give to you,because the bigger ones are for me. (ESTP)
--Of course queenie! (ENFP)

We left. On the way,ISFJ said:

--Does he really like dildos? (ISFJ)
--Nah,that's how we normally talk. (ENFP)
--You guys are weird. (ISFJ)
--The weirdest of them all. (ENFP)


I assume it's ENFP. I've got to leave before she sees me. But someone else sees me:ENFJ. Oh shit.

--Oh hey,INTJ! I don't see you very often here. What were you doing in ENFP's apartment? (ENFJ)
--Who are you to care what I am doing? (INTJ)
--Chill out,man! You were basically invading my girlfriend's best friend's apartment! (ENFJ)
--I found her spare keys and wanted to...uh,bring her something she needed. INTP sent me. (INTJ)
--The only time I caught you lying. (ENFJ)
--What do you mean? (INTJ)
--Of course you didn't hear the news! (ENFJ)

He scoffs.

--INTP got into a fight with ENFP at the MBTI meeting right after you left. (ENFJ)


--Uh...um,I gotta go to the bathroom. (INTJ)
--See ya later to explain! (ENFJ)
--No,I won't! (INTJ)

I ran off as fast as I could and hid in the nearest hiding spot. But wait. I am not a coward. I can just go past her. I try to go down the stairs,but ENFJ holds me.

--Yo,man,tell me what was happening- (ENFJ)

I freed myself from his grip and left. I go outside and see her walking with ISFJ. When she saw me,a huge smile appeared on her face and came dashing to me,like a bullet,and hugged me.

--Um...can you get off me? (INTJ)
--No. (ENFP)
--ENFP y-you're making a huge mist- (ISFJ)
--Oh shut up please. How are you,INTJ? (ENFP)
--ENFP you are talking to the wrong person. This is INTJ. (ISFJ)
--This is the person I want to talk to! I am not doing any mistake. (ENFP)
--Um...I am fine. How about you? (INTJ)


ISFJ looks at us in horror. I finally let him go and say:

--I went to ESTP's and we talked about the prank with these whiskers on my face. (ENFP)
--And what about them? You had them for the rest of your day. (INTJ)
--They drew on me with permanent markers! Can you believe it?! (ENFP)
--No way,that is so foolish of them,whoever they are! Tell me more,please! (INTJ)
--What what? (ENFP)
--I-I am j-just gonna leave. See ya l-later,ENFP! (ISFJ)
--See ya! (ENFP)

I didn't understand why everyone is weirded out by INTJ. Indeed,he looks like he could kill someone but is deep down a cinnamoon roll. We went upstairs and ENFJ saw me.

--ENFP we need to talk immediately! (ENFJ)
--No ENFP,let's go,you were in the middle of something. (INTJ)

ENFJ grabbed me and tried pulling me away from INTJ,but INTJ also grabbed my arm and held me tight. He was so strong!

--Um,and what happened with the whiskers situation,ENFP? (INTJ)

He smiled like nothing happened.

--Um,ENFP,I have cookies! If you come to me to tell you an interesting fact I will give you some! (ENFJ)

ENFJ pulls me closer.

--Um,uh...you always told me you wanted to touch my moustache. You can,if you come with me. (INTJ)

INTJ pulls me away from ENFJ.

--ENFP,it's an emergency! (ENFJ)
--You just interrupted us,bastard! It's rude,right ENFP? (INTJ)
--It's for your own good,ENFP! (ENFJ)

They were pulling me to eachother and I was like a teddybear two kindergarteners were fighting for. They kept making excuses to go with them.


INTJ looked me in the eyes with his murderous stare and finally grabbed me,then held me closely and tight. Why was INTJ so protective? It was almost like he keeps a secret from me.

--ENFP,he is sta- (ENFJ)

In the next second,INTJ pulls a gun and points it to ENFJ.


He covers my mouth,but ENFJ pulls a long,big sword behing his back. It was so long,sharp and shiny that the end of it touched INTJ's chin. What in the secret asassin moment was going on?

--Uh,calm down,guys...everything will be just fine! Your little misunderstanding will be solved. INTJ,let's just...go in. See you later,ENFJ! (ENFP)

I lower both the gun and the sword and unlock the door.


This bastard was trying to take her away from me. When ENFP was unlocking her door,I go closer to ENFJ and tell him in a low tone:

--If you say another word about what you think you saw,which is nothing,I will kill you in your sleep. (INTJ)

With that,I walked away with ENFP.


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