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~3 months later~

I woke up and a dark blue light could be seen. The room was dark. December! The best month! Christmas and the new year! I wonder how 2023 will be. This year was interesting and boring at the same time. If confusion was a year,2022 would be perfect. I got out of bed and looked on the window...still not snowing. I want snow! I want to make snow angels and have snowball fights. And to build snowmen. And to push people in the snow. I also can't wait for Christmas because all the MBTIs will participate to Secret Santa. I love buying gifts to other people and spoiling them,especially the ones that I love.


I woke up,my room being darker than before. A blue-ish aura came through my room. I don't even know what day is today,let's check my phone. It's...december. The times when I drank hot chocolate and thinking of her. The times I saw ENFP the closest because of the Secret Santa thing. I was her Secret Santa once or twice,but I was too scared of interacting. So everytime I got ENFP,I swapped with INTP,who swapped with ENTJ. I only was a Secret Santa for introverts. But this year I hope I will get ENFP.


I get my phone and I scroll a bit,then I get a notification. I didn't have their number.

"Come to the meeting hall,greenie. Your stupid friend ESFP told me to contact you. We have to discuss about the Secret Santa thing."

Greenie? It was ESTJ. ENTJ's twin-like,just as mean. I text back:

"I wonder how you texted me. Thank you,imma be right there!"

I jumped out of my bed and put my clothes on. Then I took my phone and left. When I got there 10 minutes later,I see a hat with little pieces of paper in it.

--Ahoy,people! Are we selecting who we have to give the Secret Santa gift? (ENFP)
--Yes,I'm surprised you got it right with your dumb brain. (ESTJ)
--Don't be a meanie. (ENFP)
--Sorry,I don't talk to dumb people. (ESTJ)
--You did,just now. And besides,I couldn't care less. (ENFP)

I see INTJ next to an empty seat. He signs me to come and sit on it.

--Hi! Can't believe it's december! Who do you think you will get? (ENFP)

The others were really loud.

--I don't know. If it's you,what do you want? (INTJ)
--Hmm,something...handmade! (ENFP)
--I am not really good with crafts. Aren't money acceptable? (INTJ)
--Christmas is about spreading love and kindness,not a business! I don't want money. (ENFP)
--Ugh,not the kindness thing again! (INTJ)
--Ok,everyone,shut up! (ENTP)

Everyone went quiet.

--It's time to extract from the hat. Let's go. If you got your own name,we restart. (ENTP)


He came to me. I am always the first and I don't know why. ENFP leans over to me and whispers:

--Can I see who you got? (ENFP)
--It's secret. (INTJ)

I open it. I got my own name.

--I got my own name. (INTJ)
--Put it back,choose another. (ENTP)

I put the paper back and mix it with the other ones. I get another one. It was ESFJ. Then he goes to ENFP.


ENTP comes to me and I extract a name. The name was...ESTP! I really hope INTJ got me.


I really hope ENFP got me. I don't want to give a gift to someone I barely talk to. I want to give ENFP the gift. Who was looking at her the most? I look around the room. One of her best friends,the girl...ESFP. Yes,that's her name. After everyone got their people,I excuse myself and go over to her.

--Hey. (INTJ)
--Ohhh,the emo guy talks! (ESFP)
--I wouldn't talk to you,but I want to trade. (INTJ)
--Awh,I can't,I got ENFP and I really want to give her so- (ESFP)
--I know you got her,I will give you $50. (INTJ)
--$50 for a paper?! (ESFP)
--If you shut the fuck up for once I'm going to make that $100. (INTJ)
--Deal,deal,deal! (ESFP)

She shakes my hand and takes the money. I give her my paper,she gives me hers. I'm not going to be afraid this year,even though I don't really like giving gifts.


We all went home. On my way home,I go to ESTP.

--Yo,who did you get? (ENFP)
--I got ENTP. (ESTP)
--You know him as well as you know PornHub videos. I am sure you'll give him something nice. (ENFP)

With that I left. But next thing I knew was ISFJ approaching me.

--Hey...a birdie whispered to me that you've g-got ESTP. Can we s-switch? (ISFJ)
--Sure! (ENFP)

We exchanged papers and when I opened it,it was ENTJ. Awh,no! She is still mad at me! After that,ENTP came to me.

--Ahoy,ENFP! A little birdie whispered to me that you've somehow got ENTJ. (ENTP)
--I've got ESTP,then I exchanged with ISFJ and got ENTJ. I'm screwed! She still hates me! (ENFP)
--Can we exchange? I wanna make a massive prank on her for Christmas! (ENTP)
--Ohh,sounds fun. Sure! (ENFP)

We exchanged. When I open the paper I've got ENFJ. Nice. In the moment I thought I could finally have a breather,someone comes to me. Of course,as expected,INFP.

--Hey ENFP,a little birdie- (INFP)
--Stop with the little birdie thing! I am running out of cages! (ENFP)

She starts laughing.

--So funny! But maybe we could exchange. You know,ENFJ is my boyfriend. I could give him something nice. (INFP)
--Of course. (ENFP)

We swapped again. This time I got INTP. She was still mad at me! But it could be an apology gift. Perfect! Fina-

--Hello. (ISTP)

WHEN COULD I BREATHE,MAN? ISTP himself came to approach me? He gave me his paper and snatched mine.

--What the heck,dude?! (ENFP)

But he just left saying nothing. He had ESTJ. Bro,is this even Secret Santa anymo-

--Hey ENFP! (ISFP)
--Just take it already. (ENFP)

We exchanged and I got INFP. I knew wha-

--Take it! Y'all are so predictable. (ENFP)

Ok,surely I would get ISFJ- wait...I GOT INTJ! YES! FINALLY! THANK YOU,LORD! I am not exchanging this for anything in the world! I went home. Hmm...what should I give INTJ? Maybe a...History book! With a letter in it! And...a sweater! We could match! I don't have a sweater but anyway. And a scented candle! Yay,I have so many ideas! I have to write them since I don't wanna forget it. I write these down. Ok,how do I start? The book. To the library we go!


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