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He thinks she's his just because he bought a painting for her? Well,I can do that too! I just have to see what she wants to buy next.


ENTP bought the cute little purple painting for me. It reminds me of INTJ so much. I wanna keep it at home. And I want something else,too. How can I remember him without a yarn doll of him? I just need yarn! And I found the best person:ISFJ. I approach her and say:

--Nice yarn you've got here! (ENFP)
--Ah,h-hi ENFP! I sure have,but...w-what's that on your face? (ISFJ)
--Eh,just some cat whiskers. The pals pulled a prank. I'ma wash that off later. (ENFP)
--Oh,take c-care. Anyway,would you like to buy some? (ISFJ)
--Oof,darling,I would love it,but I have absolutely no money. I forgot them. BUT lemme spill some tea! So,basically,me together with ENTP,ESTP,INFP- (ENFP)

I saw ENTP yelling at me from the distance,trying to come at me to pay for the yarn,but I see someone else. It was INTJ,stopping ENTP. I look to ISFJ's confused face,then she looks behind my back. I turn around and I look for ENTP,who was nowhere to be found,INTJ the same. I turn to ISFJ again,which was looking down.

--Um...I think I have some hallucinations. For some time I keep having the- (ENFP)

Suddenly ISFJ tilted her head up and nearly screamed in shock. I understood why. I felt this cold,back shivering breath behing my neck. Glued to my back. It was INTJ again. What the heck?!

--How the fork are you here,you were gone seconds ago! Did you teleport or something?! (ENFP)
--Hello. (INTJ)

He had a stern look,but then tried to awkwardly smile.

--It was indeed kinda crowded so you couldn't see me. Anyway,what are you buying? (INTJ)
--Uh...yarn? (ENFP)

ISFJ stared at both of us. I was kinda weirded out by him.

--What are you doing with that? (INTJ)
--Why so many questions? Also please step back,just to make sure you don't make her uncomfortable. (ISFJ)

Poor girl,she gathered all her courage to say that. He quietly took one step back. Without making any more small talk he said:

--I wanna pay for your yarn. (INTJ)

He got some bucks out and gave it to ISFJ,which was now a little scared kitten. With her hands shaking,she took them and gave me the colours. INTJ said one last thing before leaving:

--I am sure something beautiful will come out of your hands. (INTJ)

He faintly smiled and looked at my hands. Then left.

--It's...unreal. (ISFJ)
--What? (ENFP)
--It's the first time I saw him look so...human! (ISFJ)
--I know,right? By the way,you should come over to me later. (ENFP)
--Fine,but no more gossips. I don't like them. (ISFJ)
--I have very juicy gossip,girl. (ENFP)
--About what? (ISFJ)
--I had a sleepover at ESTP's- (ENFP)
--You will spill the tea and tell me everything in detail,got it? (ISFJ)
--Gotcha. (ENFP)


I wonder what she's gonna make. But it's a little strange:purple painting,purple,black and beige yarn? I think she likes an Analyst. Does ENTP?,please,I don't wanna know how a heartbreak feels like! I am supposed to break hearts,not her to break mine! I just left that awful place and told the host that I wasn't feeling well.


I wanted to go to ISTP's stand,but I get held by INTP.

--HEY,where are you going?! (INTP)
--Oh,heya INTP! I just wanna get some nails and a hammer. How about you? (ENFP)
--I have business with you. (INTP)
--Uh...what did I do this time? (ENFP)

She said nothing and looked at me with a deadly,angry look. I gulped on my saliva.

--Aren't you forgetting something? (INTP)
--W-what to forg-get? (ENFP)
--You need to give me something. (INTP)
--Uh... (ENFP)

I tried to remember what I had to give her. And then I remembered. I fucked up.

--Ohhhhhh,the spare keys! Now I remember! (ENFP)
--WOAH,a little bit quieter,please! Also,didn't you have keys with you? (ENFP)
--Well,I realised I forgot the principal keys in a drawer and gave the spare keys to you. You locked the door and left me no way in. Now,where are the keys?! (INTP)
--I...forgot them at ESTP. By the way,if you forgot them,it's basically you fault. (ENFP)

Her eyes darkened.

~A few moments later~

INTP left the scene quietly.

--Oh dear,ENFP,are you okay?! (INFP)
--She is obviously not okay,her nose is bleeding! (ENTP)
--Y-yes,I am ok-kay. Now p-please leave me alone. (ENFP)
--But- (INFP)
--Leave me alone. (ENFP)

I left and ENTP kept following me,while everyone was stunned.

--ENFP,come on,I know you aren't ok. (ENTP)
--Are you deaf? I told INFP to leave me alone,it's also av-valaible for you. (ENFP)
--Is there something I can do to cheer you up? (ENFP)
--Yes,t-there is. (ENFP)
--What? (ENTP)
--Kill me. (ENFP)
--Anything except this. (ENTP)
--No t-there isn't. Leave me alone! (ENFP)

I started crying even more. ENTP didn't move and I made my way to the forest. That was it. I can't even forget and she punches me. I hated this awful,cold,toxic world. It's not for me. I kneeled and looked at the beautiful rope I prepared to help me end it all when time would come,in my comfort,secret place. I sat and watched it. I climbed in the tree that I attached it on. The view was so beautiful. Life was beautiful,but the world isn't ok. Too bad I would end it. I put it on my neck. Made sure I tightened the rope for something extra painful. It was taking my breath away. Sweet pain. I wiped the blood off my nose and the tears from my eyes,some of them being dry.
And I jumped.
--this is,sadly,the end. R.I.P. ENFP. :(

(this was edited,I wrote this chapter last year and I was being really dramatic with the scene. I'm sorry INTPs,y'all are AMAZING! <3)
(bonus: why did ENFP off herself? Not because of the fight scene,she had too many problems and all of her overthinking got to her. She really cared about INTP,she could never be mad at her)

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