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Hello! I am ENFP,the Campaigner. You can say I am bubbly,loud,cheerful. Oh,and I love introverts. Very much. Everybody has jobs. INTP is a scientist,ESFP is a musician,ESTJ is a teacher. But for me it's easy. I stay and play all day. Ocasionally I go to work. I also have a friend group: ESTP,ENTP and ESFP. They are the best. I can identify as an ambivert and I kinda socialise with everyone. Well,almost everyone. There is a very mysterious guy from the Analysts club. He has a nice haircut and a quite great moustache. I wanna feel it. I know everyone's name but I forgot his. I think he is an introvert,that's why I don't see him around too much. I think he stays in the Analysts' more. Bet he's boring. He needs to come outside more. Unlike him,I see introverts outside quite often,like INFP. She's like my younger sister. She is very emotional. She is me,but introverted and quiet. But we're both anxious! Yay! Everyone comes to me when they need help...but I don't go to anybody. I also feel sad. I can also feel sad,right? No,I can't feel sad. I have to think about everybody,but nobody can think about me. I text first,I take care of everyone. I could tell you more,but INFP is calling me.

--Um,ENFP? Can we t-talk? (INFP)

She stutters every time.

--Sure? Do you want me to come over to your apartment? (ENFP)
--Y-yes please. (INFP)
--Right away,baby! (ENFP)

I closed the phone as I rushed to her apartment. All the MBTIs have their own apartment. There are four buildings: The Analysts,The Diplomats,The Sentinels and The Explorers. My apartment is on the first floor,so I had to go down the stairs for INFP's apartment. ENFJ sees me in a rush and asks:

--Hey ENFP! Why are you in a rush? (ENFJ)
--Oh,just going to INFP's. How about you? (ENFP)
--Oh,ESTP invited me over. But I am in no rush. (ENFJ)

ESTP was that cool popular jock,the Entrepeneur. We were quite good friends. He is like ENTP,and we are besties.

--Ooohhhh,why did he invite you? (ENFP)
--To have a game ni- (ENFJ)
--But INFP- (ENFJ)
--But she is an introvert and isn't really into parties or something like that... (ENFJ)
--Meh,she is comfortble with me! See ya around! (ENFP)
--See ya,ENFP! (ENFJ)

I ran to INFP's,realising that I was totally distracted by ESTP's and ENFJ's game night! Ugh,silly me. I arrived at her door and was about to knock,but I saw a note on her door. It was written:for enfp only. I read it and it says:don't knock,come in and take the note off the door. She was sad. And I wasn't letting that happen! I barged in and saw INFP crying in her bed.

--INFP! What happened? (ENFP)
--N-nothing important... (INFP)

She tries to hold her sobs.

--Nah,it doesn't work. You tell me what happened immediately! (ENFP)
--Um...ok. C-can I vent? (INFP)
--You know I am the VENTING machine.  You understand? Vending,venting. (ENFP)

She giggles softly and says:

--Y-yes,I understand. (INFP)
--HA,I MADE YOU LAUGH! Now tell me what's the problem. (ENFP)
--Well...it's...my sexuality. I don't know what I am! (INFP)
--And that is a thing to be worried about? What do you think you are? (ENFP)
--I don't know...I love ENFJ but...I like INTP a bit. (INFP)
--Oh! INTP? I have to help her with a project. (ENFP)

Just then I get a call from INTP.


I respond her and she says:

--ENFP,I can't talk much. I just wanna say that you have to come right now,I have to go in half an hour. (INTP)
--But- (ENFP)

She closed the call. Oh,how was I going to go to the game night? How was I going to help INFP get with ENFJ? How was I going to have fun? Ugh,this stupid project. I'm not even interested in Science! Can't I just...postpone it?

--Oh...I can't vent anymore. (INFP)
--Eh,you can't! Yes,you can! Come with me! You can tell me what's wrong,discuss a bit,havs fun. (ENFP)
--Uh...sure? (INFP)
--We can also steal one of her things... (ENFP)
--ENFP! Are you crazy?! We can't steal! (INFP)
--Nobody is gonna see,calm down! It will be like a magic trick! (ENFP)
--ENFP,the last time you made a magic trick it took 4 weeks for ENTJ's eyebrows to grow back. She went bonkers on you! (INFP)
--...so do you still wanna make a magic trick? (ENFP)
--It's against the rules. (INFP)
--Oi,fuck rules! They are boring. What if we make our own rules? (ENFP)
--Language! (INFP)
--Fuck language. (ENFP)
--Stop with the swearing! (INFP)
--Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck! (ENFP)

Suddenly we hear INFJ saying outside the door:

--Did I hear cussing?! (INFJ)
--What? We will all fuck once. (ENFP)
--Leave! (ENFP)

He left.

--But what about the game night? (INFP)
--I'ma ask how much it lasts,and we can go after we finish. (ENFP)

We took our phones and got out. INFP locked her door and we left to The Analysts' building. It was quite a nice sunset.
933 words.


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