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Oh...my...stars. It's ENFP...walking towards me. Drop dead gorgeous. With a long,green dress,an emerald necklace,curled hair and her beautiful smile. Shining like a star. Her beautiful,sparkly black eyes meet mine and she instantly grinned and tried to run towards me,but she almost tripped. I was shocked. She was as beautiful as a goddess,I forgot how to speak. Mouth wide open.

--You are...so...fucking...beautiful. (INTJ)
--Oh,um,uh...t-thank you,I...I don't know what to say,you're also very handsome. (ENFP)
--Wait I said it out loud?! (INTJ)

Oh shit. She blushed. I also slightly did.

--Yes...yes you did. Am I really that pretty? (ENFP)
--Yes,pretty ugly. (INTJ)
--If I am ugly,then you would be a monkey. (ENFP)
--Thank you. Shall we go,m'lady? (INTJ)
--You're so cheesy sometimes. We shall. (ENFP)

She takes my hand.

--What are you doing? (INTJ)
--Breathing. (ENFP)

I couldn't say the same,darling. Your beauty is breath-taking.

--Ha ha,very funny. Let go of my hand. (INTJ)
--No. You agreed to be my partner,you will act like my partner! (ENFP)

She pulls me closer. How wouldn't I want to hold her hand? She will be the most beautiful girl in the room.

--You're too clo- (INTJ)
--Shut up! I don't bite. (ENFP)
--I don't know if I would believe you,I am waiting for the day you will bite me. (INTJ)
--Ugh,and I didn't want to give spoilers. (ENFP)

We finally go,with little steps. When the guy who had to check who we are saw us,he was shocked.

--Good evening,Mister! (ENFP)
--Sir INTJ and Miss ENFP? Shocking! You may go in. (guy)

He opened the door for us,and when we entered,all eyes were on us. Oh no,I hated being in the center of attention!


That's right,now you know she's mine,bastards.

--Can y'all please give us some space? Look,the music is so nice! Y'all can dance instead of being focused on us,ok? I think INTJ is getting a little bit uncomfortable here. (ENFP)

She patted my shoulder and they went away.

--Well,thanks for that. Do you wanna,maybe...get a drink? (INTJ)
--Sure! You want to be the first person to be with me while drinking alcohol for the first time in my life? (ENFP)
--Woah,it's your first time? You never drank? (INTJ)
--Uh,of course not! (ENFP)
--Newbie. I am an expert. Let me tell you a secret. (INTJ)


He bends over to my ear and whispers;

--I drink from the age of 18. (INTJ)

His whispering made my back shiver. And I blushed a bit,for some reason,feeling his cold breath near my neck.

--No way! Isn't that...illegal? (ENFP)
--Mama I'm a criminal. (INTJ)

He shrugged.

--Wasn't it "Mama I'm in love with a criminal"? (ENFP)

He looked at me,questionably.

--Is that so? (INTJ)

I quickly make an excuse. There was a table with some sweets.


I wanted to run away. He grabs my wrist.

--Nah ah ah,you told me you wanted to try drinking. Chill out,I will ignore what you just transmitted. (INTJ)
--Uh,ok. I have no idea what I said though. Want me to get you a drink,too? I know you're kinda shy. (ENFP)
--Bold move. Thanks. You're helping me a lot. (INTJ)

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