Chapter 47

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(Mentions of violent abuse and torture don't read if you don't like things like that)

"So you've never shown anyone this house"

I sigh this was probably a bad idea but seeing Hope in pain made me turn my humanity back on so many it will turn hers on "It's my old home and it's a memory only me and Diego know about"

She goes to say something but closes her mouth when I look at her I sigh and reach for the door opening it I walk in with Hope close behind. My house was probably the biggest in our town it was like a castle we were considered royalty because of the things we did for the people in our town.

"Are we staying here or are you going to show me what this memory is"

I let out a breath and keep on walking through we walk down a massive staircase to the dungeon I stop in front of the room that causes all my nightmares and my hatred for Diego I reach for the door handle with shaky hands I hear a scream on the other side of the door and flinch pulling back my hand.

Hope looks at me with curious eyes and steps forward and opens the door I wince when I hear more cries I walk in with Hope and a my younger self is chained up and bare hanging from the ceiling.

Diego stands there holding a whip "I told you, you can not be weak! Our enemies will use it to for their gain"

He whips my younger self and she screams out "I'm sorry!" she repeats over and over tears are falling down my face as I watch my younger self be whipped and the cuts not healing I remember him using wolfsbane on the whips even though I haven't activated my wolf side yet and that's was the exact reason he was whipping me.

"If you were sorry you would not make this mistake over and over"

He whips her again and I flinch I grab Hope's hand and she has wide eyes I pull her out of the room "I got those beating because I refused to kill an innocent"

I wipe the tears from my face and everything fades away Hope is silent and I know I'm getting through to her I go into another memory one I got back after my mother turned off my humanity one I've blocked out until now.

We are now outside in the woods next to my old house I look over to Hope and I can see she is fighting her no humanity I look back to the scene and I see Digeo pulling my younger self into the woods by her hair he stops and throws her to the ground.

"Tonight is the full moon and you are going to turn" he shoves a knife into her hands and brings a human forward "kill him"

"I can't"

"You can't! There is no such thing as can't for people like us!"

My younger self tries to back away when Diego gets closer to her he grabs her hand and pull her forward. He tightens the knife in her hand and stabs it into the human her eyes goes wide then they turn amber and she falls to the ground.

She screams out as her bones begin to break "Don't fight it this is the first step to becoming stronger"

Once the transition is finished a massive black wolf is standing it her place she gives one last look to Diego and runs off the area turns back to black "I want to go back"

I look over to Hope and she has tears in her eyes I look away and turn to the next memory I could show her many more bad memories of Diego but I think this one would be best the scene turns to my house again.

I walk into the room and my younger self is sitting at the window drawing "I said I want to go back"

I roll my eyes and continue to watch as my younger self draws that's until Klaus walks in "Hello little wolf"

The Original Tribrid--Hope Mikaelson Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz