Chapter 42

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I'm standing in front of this weird tomb trying to figure it out I can feel the power radiating from it and it feels familiar but I can't place it. I sigh when I hear footsteps enter the room I left Hope and Lizzie together and I know Lizzie can't kill Hope but Hope could kill Lizzie so I'm relieved when I hear another set of footsteps.

"I thought you wanted to find Aurora?"

"Well we also need deal with this Aurora will probably pop up again like the cockroach she is"

I roll my eyes at Hopes comment and turn around coming face to face with Hope "What do you plan on doing with it?"

"None of your business"

I nod my head gently and walk closer to Hope as I look around the room "Thats where your wrong because the only thing that's stopping me from snapping your neck and taking you back to the Salvatore school is the fact something is obviously going on with that coffin and you look like you know who to take it too so I'll drive and you can carry it to the car"

I pat Hope on the shoulder and walk out to my car I got to admit I was a bit sceptical at first with cars but the machine are an amazing way to get a part from teleportation.

After a couple of minutes, the car door opens and I smirk as the coffin is put into the back of the car and Hope gets into the front seat

"Don't look so smug you won't be getting naive Hope back anytime soon"

"You mean loving and nice Hope"

"No, I mean naive Hope"

I sigh and look back to see if I can see Lizzie walk out of the building "Where is Lizzie?"

"Driving my car can we go?"

I look over to her with narrowed eyes "Say please and ill consider it"

She scoffs "Not gonna happen"

I shrug and lean back in my seat as she fiddles with the main console in the car "I guess we can stay here then...and talk"

"Please can you drive? Now would be better"

I don't budge and close my eyes I can feel Hopes glare on the side of my face but I ignore her  "Say it nicer"

"You can't be serious right now"

"As a heart attack"

Hope chuckles lightly but I can hear the condescending tone to it "seems you been reading up on other present language books"

"I have actually I had a bunch of time while waiting for you to bring me back to the land of the living" I say in sarcastic tone and I open an eye to see some sort of emotion pass through her eyes

"Please can you drive" she says in a nicer tone to her previous one

I smile and sit back up and start the engine and look over to her with a smirk "I like it when you beg"

                               « « « « «

We arrive at Hopes destination to the office to someone named professor vardemus I'm guessing Lizzie got here earlier than us but at the moment the professor is examining the coffin while Hope and I watch and Lizzie isn't here.

"This is astounding"

"Does that mean you know what it is?" Hope asks the man and he looks at it for a second more before looking back to Hope

"Not exactly but certain elements...Uh, this writing, for example not visible to the naked eye, but scrawled in blood in multiple languages, speaking of the gods but the gods of a dozen different cultures...Maybe more"

The Original Tribrid--Hope Mikaelson Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum