Chapter 29

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"I'm not doing it" Hope barges into my new office I was hoping to study all day some spells that could defeat originals and powerful witches like Freya or Davina and plan my attack on New Orleans but no Hope seems to find something wrong again

"Swap with someone then I don't care" Having my feelings off increases my productivity less distractions if I was full of anger then id probably go off on a murder rampage but with my father dead and my mother being a vampire it leaves me to focus on my attack on New Orleans.

"What are you doing?"

"Creating spells"


I sigh in annoyance and put down the book "Creating a spell to kill originals"

Her eyes widen then glare at me "I know your humanity is off but you're not killing my dad"

I look at her and smirk "Who's going to stop me?..." I stand up from my seat and pour myself a tea " offence but you could never beat me especially since I've improved my necklace it never comes off so now I'm basically forever immune to magic.." I stand in front of her " once you figure out how to break this necklace come back to me with your threats"

I tap her on the cheek and walk out I'm fine leaving her there since I have nothing of importance there I send Mg a magical note to take over the tour for my heretics vampires and hybrids since Hope is being stubborn.

                                « « « « «

It's now the morning all the new students have been put into rooms I've come to the conclusion that all the best students will be used for more important tasks and the rest will be used as pawns to die for distractions in the war. I'm sure by now Hope has told Klaus or Freya about me planning to kill them so they are either going to come here which would be stupid or they are going to wait until I come to them both will end with Klaus dead or maybe I should take a brother as he did to me so he can suffer the same pain I did.

I'm in the library finishing my last 6 books I need to read I even learnt a new language I just finished giving a speech to the school and now they are setting up for the fundraiser and I want nothing to do with it.

I finish off three more books being headmaster is easy than Alaric made it out to be I stand up and start exploring the school if I'm going to bare being headmaster then the interior is going to need to change.

I stop in my tracks when I spot the art room this wasn't here when I last was at this school I walk in and see Hope and the dark skinned girl.

They turn around at the sound of the door "What do you want?"

I shrug and start making my way around the room "Just exploring"

I spot a painting it's a portrait of me I look and see that Hope has signed it I turn to Hope and smirk "Nice painting but I can improve it"

I wave my hand the mouth of the painting is gone I grab a paint brush I vamp speed my hand around the painting and now the painting is of me smiling with golden eyes and fangs with blood dripping down the corner of my mouth.

"Much better..." I turn back to them and they are standing in front of a sculpture while looking at the new painting

"The painting could be a bit more obscure"

"What's this sculpture?" I walk closer and look at it I shake my head amused when I realise who it is

"It's of landon"

I raise an eyebrow and look at Hope "A memorial?"

"How do you know he's dead?"

"The other side has been broken I heard you guys have been looking for him well no more of that it's a waste of time"

The Original Tribrid--Hope Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now