Chapter 25 (Part 3)

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"I'll do it" I turn to Alaric as much as I want that to happen it can't twins would be devastated and Hope would have another thing to be annoyed at me about.

"No choose again"

"Ava it has to be me I trapped them here and you guys will get me out"

I turn to the other people and Diego the wolf man is glaring at Alaric "You. Your still angry at Alaric are you going to kill him once we are out of her?"

The wolf's glare drops but I can still see the anger in his eyes "No I just want to get out of here"

I vamp speed over to him and grab him by the neck I ignore the protests of the other people and stare into his eyes "Tell the truth are you going to kill Alaric"

"As soon as I get the chance"

I put him down and turn back to Alaric "See he isn't going to forgive you ever So he's staying"

Alaric looks in thought and I shake my head "I don't care what you have to say Alaric he's staying your leaving. who else is here?"

"Sebastian he is dead at the moment" I nod and hear the wolf growl behind me and I turn to see him charging at me he throws a punch but I slip under his swing and step aside

"Didn't I tell you that it would be bad on your part to fight me?"

He growls and goes to charge at me again that's when his neck snaps I turn around and see Josie letting her hand falls back to her side

"What the hell is wrong with you? he needs to be alive to be the anchor"

"I helped you normal people say thank you"

I glare at her and anger takes over I raise my hand and use my magic to pin her against the wall

"Ava stop!"

"Alaric I think you fail to notice that my mate is currently in danger and I'm willing to kill and torture until she is safe"

"Yea and wasting time hurting Josie isn't helping anyone"

I let go of Josie and look to Alaric "Congratulations Alaric you're going to be the anchor"

                            « « « « «

"We need to work together place the spires in a circle to create a boundary spell once I begin the spell doors will start to open only one person will be able to go through at a time so you can't hesitate to go through them"

They all place the spires in a circle Lizzie walks towards her dad and starts begging him not to do this I shake my head in frustration.

"Hurry up" I demand and they break part as Lizzie glares at me at this moment I don't care the only thing on my mind is Hope.

I start the spell and after a couple of seconds magical doors start to open Wendy is the first to go through the door and everyone starts to follow.

I hear a low growl and see Diego glaring at Alaric "I will never forgive you" he runs forward and hits Alaric to the ground he walks to him but is interrupted by Sebastian stopping him from doing any more damage to Alaric.

"Sebastian bring him here quickly" Sebastian struggles at first but eventually brings him over I put Diego on his knees with my magic well continuing the spell I open another door.

"Quickly go through the door" Sebastian goes through it and I feel myself growing weaker I open another and give Alaric to go through which he does.

I quickly grab onto Diego "I'm sorry I understand more than anyone about being trapped somewhere" I start the spell to make him the anchor and once he is I open another door and walk through it.

I open my eyes and sigh in relief when I notice the familiar surroundings I turn around to see everyone looking at me but I'm most relieved to see hope standing there safe and sound.

She has a look of relief but it still doesn't cover the anger she runs to me and brings me into a tight embrace which doesn't last long.

She steps back "What is wrong with you?! Why would you risk your life like that?"

"I risked my life just like you have plenty of times"

"This is different"

I look around and see that everyone has left "No it's not Hope it's just that I and you have switched places now you understand how I feel when you risk your life"

I vamp speed off away from her I go to my room slamming the door she's being a complete hypocrite it's ok when she risks her life to help her friends but when I help and risk my life for my friends she gets anger at me and but will go and risk her life.

I should have known that she wouldn't changed like she said.

A/n: Another short chapter but just finishing off this chapter.

Also, I don't think I'm going to do season 3 of legacies since it was mostly about landon I might just do a couple of monsters and do my own story.

Hope your having a good day/night :)

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