Chapter 8

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We all are sitting in the hall for an assembly Hope as usual is sat next to me with a hand on my leg which is covered by my hand Alaric standing at the podium about to begin his speech.

"Given recent events, some students have expressed concern that I am not allowing you to have a say in the decisions that affect your future. And I agree. If you are expected to abide by this school's policies, it's only fair that you have a voice in how those rules are made. So, I am forming an honor council. One vampire, one witch and one werewolf, each elected by their peers. Along with our school counselor Emma, whose vote will represent the younger students" it's a good idea but what about me and Hope. I look over to Hope and to see her looking at me

"You should convince Alaric to let you on the council" I whisper to her and she raises an eyebrow confused "We don't fit in to any of those categories I definitely don't want someone who doesn't understand my feelings making my decisions" she nods and smiles

"I'll speak with him"

                           « « « « « « « «

Im in the library studying when Hope comes up to to me frustrated I frown.

"Hey did you convince Alaric?" She nodded "So why aren't you happy?"

She sighs "I have to test Landon to see if he can stay here or not you coming with me" she grabs my arm and I just about grab the book I was reading. I disconnect Hopes hand from my arm and hold her hand as we walk to Alarics office.

"What are you two doing here?" Landon says as we enter the office

"Dr. Saltzman wanted me to administer your tests, starting with some weird mystical blood analysis"

"I'm just here to enjoy this failure"

"No" he says blankly

"Excuse me?"

"No. These tests determine whether or not I get to stay at the school, right? There is no way I'm putting my future in your hands; you're biased and you who hasn't liked me since I the church" I roll my eyes

"I'm not biased" Hope defends "and I'm not here to test you so my dislike of you doesn't effect the test" I smile at him and he just rolls his eyes and directs his attention back to Hope.

"Besides, neither of us has a choice. Believe me, this is not how I would choose to spend my day, either"

"See? Biased"

"Landon. Last thing that you told me was that you wanted to find answers about who or what you are. I want those answers, too. So let's just get through this"

                          « « « « « « « « «

Me and hope are both currently watching Landon fail terribly at trying to grab this ribbon off the tree Hope seems unamused but I'm definitely amused by this.

"Okay this is impossible" Landon huffs as he walks over to us Hope gives me a look and I understand quickly what she meant so I vamp speed up the tree and sit on the branch as I untie it and jump back down "That was kinda fun" I say with a smile as I pass Hope the ribbon

"Whatever what's next?"

"Pick up this log" he goes over and struggles to pick up the log barley even lifting it an inch off the ground "You can stop" Hope says to stop his miserable attempt.

"Okay next do a handstand" Landon gets into position after a couple tries he gets into a handstand "Okay im doing it what now?"

"Hold it 10 minutes" at that he falls to the ground I chuckle lightly he gets up clearly frustrated and glares at me

The Original Tribrid--Hope Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now