Chapter 9

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I wake up at 4am and see Hope in her bed I didn't hear her come in last night I was in bed before she came back. Today I'm gonna figure out how to bring back her family my coven brought loved ones back all the time I've have done once for 'practice' as my mother called it she believed me to be the most powerful in the coven but could I really believe her words after what she did.

I've read about Freya Mikaelson and I found a great respect in her and the way she protected the Mikaelsons I know Hope will be mad at me for going behind her back but I'm doing this for her I start getting ready trying not to wake Hope after I'm finished I slip out of the room.

Once I get into mystic falls town square I try to figure out how I'm going to get to New Orleans it's gonna be a really long drive so I decide on plane once I reach the airport by compelling someone to drive me I compel my way onto a plane as I'm on the plane I try to think on how I'm gonna introduce myself to Freya I haven't called ahead I'm just gonna go knock on her door and hope she doesn't murder me.

I also don't know what she looks like I'm guessing she looks like Rebekah I also vaguely remember her other than blue eyes and blonde hair. I got her address out of Alarics file maybe I should have contacted Rebekah first yea definitely regretting this decision without further planning after all my worries I final make it to New Orleans It's a beautiful city and I can see why the Mikaelsons stayed here.

I walk into a local bar called Rousseau's for some reason this bar called to me when I saw it I walked in and got a drink I look at the wall and see a bunch of photos who I recognised as the Mikaelsons they don't look different obviously but they look more like a family it's nice to see.

"Do you know them?" I turn to my right and see a brown skinned woman and she seems to be talking about the photos I smile at her "I used to when I was young" she returns the smile and I hold out my hand "Ava" she shakes my hand "Keelin"

"Nice to meet you keelin do you know them?" She turns her back to the photos "Yea I'm married to one" I look at her eyes widen was she talking about Freya or Rebekah or Kol.

"Which one?" She points to a photo and at a woman with blue eyes and blonde hair I don't recognise that must be fre-

"Freya" I never had the pleasure of meeting Freya since she was presumed dead when our families was friends I'm not sure what to answer her with since it would probably be weird to say I'm looking for her wife but it would probably be weirder to turn up to her house.

"Um im actually looking for her" she looks at me in surprise "Really? Why's that?" I don't know if I should answer that since I'm not sure what Freya shares with her wife and I don't want to cause any problems with them.

"Um I guess family matters" she looks at me suspiciously and now I know said the wrong thing "Well I can call her to say your looking for her"

"Yea that would be great" she walks off assuming to call Freya after a while she comes back and finshs her drink "I've got to go but Freya is on the way" I nod at her and give her a thankful smile.

I sit and finish about 6 more drinks and then I hear the door open and in walks the woman in the photos with 2 other people great she thinks I'm a threat I look over and finish off my drink and stand up "I heard you was looking for me?"

"Yes I'm not here to cause any harm if that's what you think can I buy you a drink?" I look to her and to her friends? She sits down next to me and I smile and order two scotch's "I'm Ava Williams I was gonna come to your house where it's a bit more private but I saw keelin and decided this is probably for the best but I didn't want to tell her anything about the supernatural universe just in case she didn't know " I whisper the supernatural part and she looks at me with a raised eyebrow at my rambling

The Original Tribrid--Hope Mikaelson Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat