Chapter 25 (part 1)

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I wake up with a gasp since I've just been disturbed out of my sleep by my door swinging open I rub my eyes and see Hope standing there looking at me a bit frantic.

"Umm Hello?"

"Alyssa sent the Saltzman's to the new world we created"

"Good morning to you too Hope" I smile at her trying to relax her but she just stares at me with a glare

"Don't worry Hope ill go to this world and get them out" I say with a shrug

She looks at me with a worried look on her face "What? No, we are going to figure out how to get them out with you here and not the possibility of you getting stuck too"

"The only way is if someone goes there and gets them out"

I see the worried look on her face grow and quickly get up and wrap my arms around her "We can look through some books first to see if it's the only option"

"Okay but we need to question Alyssa first and we could use your compelling skills"

I kiss her gently and move out of her embrace "Sure let me get dressed"

                              « « « « «

"Enough with the illusion spells, Alyssa. Tell me where the ascendant is"

Hope grows frustrated "Why isn't my truth spell working? And why isn't Avas compelling working"

"Hmm, I guess that anti-charm potion I took is working and a bit of vervain added can go a long way"

Alyssa gets into a yoga position I just stare at her confused "It is. Too bad... you could use a little charm. Enough with the games, Alyssa. Help us bring the Saltzman's back"

"Why, so you can be the hero and save the day? This isn't about you, Hope. Though, if I knew how annoying you'd be, I would have sent you away, too"

My wolf screams at me to rip out her throat for disrespecting my mate but I don't think Hope would approve so I glare at Alyssa and step forward "How about I start draining you of vervain would you like to tell us then?"

She gulps slightly anyone else would miss it but I did and I smirk but her mask quickly "I know you would enjoy that but I know Hope wouldn't approve of that plan"

I roll my eyes and an idea pops into my head "what if I turn her? She'll be sired to me then she tells me where it is...simple"

I look at her like its the best plan ever "No you can't do that"

I throw my hands in the air "Why the hell not?"

"Alyssa tell us where it is or I'm gonna start plucking those fake eyelash extensions out one by one"

I'm pretty sure this version of Hope is my favourite actually my second favourite after her being happy Hope.

"I don't negotiate with basic witches. So, I'm never telling you where the ascendant is. Namaste" she puts her hands together and bows. I frown and walk out after a couple of seconds I hear Hope following me.

« « « « «

After saving Landon once again from cupid yes cupid is our next monster so we have done a barrier spell around him.

"You monsters. You have no idea how long it took me to grow those" Cupid says as he turns around Hope just cut off his wings and I realise I might like evil Hope better she definitely has a bit of her father in her.

"Well, next time it'll be something that won't grow back, unless you tell us why you're here. Do you serve Malivore? Or someone else?" I chuckle lightly she definitely has a bit of her father in her personality.

"I serve the highest power of all... love"

"Where were trying to take Landon," Hopes says as she motions to Landon.

"Uh, I wasn't trying to take him anywhere he started it"

Landon starts to protest and starts arguing with the cupid guy "Every arrow in there only helps people express the love they already feel inside. Most people say thank you"

"Why didn't you come to get me or Ava or literally anyone?" Hope tells him and she looks at him with a glare probably because she had to save him again.

"Oh, I-I-I knew you were busy with Alyssa. I was just trying to help" Landon stutters nervously under Hopes's glare and I can't help but take pleasure in Landon's discomfort.

Hope turns away from him and starts looking at the arrows pulling one out "What does this say?"

"Uh, "puppy love." Well, that's the modern translation in Greek it's more like..."

Hope pulls out another looking annoyed since she is here dealing with this other than dealing with the Saltzman problem.

"Don't care. What about this one?"

"Self-love." I call it the Narcissus"

Hope takes the arrow out and turns to Landon with a smirk and I tilt my head trying to decipher what amazing thing she has planned.

"Still want to help?"

Landon perks up and smiles "Absolutely"

"Okay, think you can handle the Cupid problem?" Hope says oh actually that's a bad idea

The cupid steps forward "Hey, Hey what cupid problem?"

"Exactly. Just watch him till we get back, okay?" Definitely not gonna end well but I already have a plan myself which Hope isn't gonna like.

                              « « « « «

Hope ends up stabbing Alyssa with an arrow and then Alyssa made a confession now Hope has some sort of plan to help her but I have different plans.

Most likely Alyssa has hidden the ascendant in her room I should be able to sense it with a black magic spell I step into Alyssa and Hopes's room. I'm pretty sure Hope's convincing skills will be quick so that means I also have to be quick I start the spell and I feel the faint familiar magic I'm guessing it's the illusion spell.

After a few minutes more I feel it but am surprised to feel two types of magic I turn towards the jewellery box and wave my hand and the illusion spell is gone I pull out the ascendant and pocket it.

I follow the other type of magic and it seems to be coming from the blue elephant on Alyssa's bed I raise an eyebrow confused I grab the toy and look at it even more confused when there isn't any illusion spell on it. I tilt my head in thought shaking the toy and that's when I hear a small rattle

"Sorry elephant" I rip the head off of the toy and there's another ascendant I pull it out it's the same one Lizzie and Josie made I stare at it and my eyes widen.

"Bitch move Alyssa" I put the ascendant in my jacket pocket I hear the door open and turn around as Hope walks in and looks confused.

"What are you doing?"

"Looking for the ascendant" I pull out the one all the witches made and show it to her her eyes widen slightly.

"Well done but you could have spared the elephant Alyssa is gonna be pissed"

I nod and walk over to her and pass her the ascendant "It was hidden in the elephant so had to be done" I wave my hand and the elephant is good as new.

I smile at her and bring her into a hug she most likely is gonna be pissed when I do what I do and this will probably be the last contact we will have for a while.

"I'll go do some more reading while you solve the cupid problem," I say while stepping back and she nods kissing me on the cheek and walking away.

I watch her walk away with a frown "I'm sorry Hope" I whisper to myself taking out the other ascendant.

A/n: Short chapter and sorry for what's about to happen but it needs to be for the story to go how I want it 🫣

Hope you're having a good day/night :)

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