Back stories and the VST

Start from the beginning

"Are you really Stefan's younger sister?"

"Of course I am! It's just that I got all the good looking genes while he got the okay ones." I said dismissivly, leaning on my hands. Stefan rolled his eyes.

"We really need to keep you away from Damon." He said shaking his head. "And you can tell him." He gestured to VST. I stared at him questionably.

"Not gonna pull a Cullen?" I asked still staring at him suspiciously. Suspiciously, I love that word! Makes everything sounds more dramatic! Alright. Have to focus.

"Not gonna pull a Cullen." Stefan confirmed. I groaned before letting down my hair so I could play with it.

"Alright VST sit down. It's not a long story but you're making me feel awkward." I sighed. He nodded and sat in his teacher chair.

"Alright. Once upon a time there was this average boring girl. She decided to make herself seem like a martyr and leave so her mom and stepdaddy can live happily ever after. So she moves in with her awkward dad. She got registered into school, did all that jazz, but strangely enough there were people actually interested in her. She, and neither do I even now, understand that. Maybe because she was new. Whatever. So anyways there are a different kind of vampires. We call them cold ones. They have freezing skin, hence the name, eyes are weird by being either black/red/golden, grows extremly beautiful, even has a royalty..." I kept going on about Isabella's life till the point when I left. I quieted down some and began again.

"So after I hit that no good for nothing bi-err witch she started to cry like a big old baby. Everyone rushed in. 'Oh Nessie what happened?' ' Are you okay?' Blah blah blah. They soon caught the fact that I smacked her and my 'father'" Finger quotations and all around father. "Kicked me out. Which was stupid since I was only like a year old. So yeah I ran into the forest. Went real deep too. Pretty soon I got lost and decided to fall asleep. So I wake up and there is this just horrendous face staring at me. Real ugly" I shuddered for effect. Stefan glared at me. I started to laugh.

"Alright boy calm down." I chuckled. "It was just Stefan. So he didn't know who I was and obviously had no clue what I was. He tried to make me spill about the reason I was alone but me being, well me, refused. Then the big idiot tried to compel me. So I threw him into this big old oak tree. It was quite impressive if I do say so myself. He rushed at me but I had him in the air in a flash. It was the best fun I had ever had. We calmed down after a while and talked like normal people did. I held myself pretty good.After I told him the sob story he immediately decided to adopt me. I had no problems with that so I went along with it. It took a while for me and Damon to get use to each other though. We used to hate each other with a passion. Now we are best buds. And the rest is history." I finished with a big smile.

"Wow." Was all he said. I was instantly offended.

"That's all you are gonna say? My life story seems a little more awesome then just wow!" I cried indignant.

"Sorry. I'm just a little shocked." He said hurriedly. I raised my eyebrow and nodded once.

"Okay now you spill." I ordered staring at him. He looked surprised but shrugged and spilt his guts. After he finished I looked at him thoughtfully. I never would've guessed. Then I looked at my phone and shrieked.

"What's wrong!" Stefan shouted shooting up. I turned to him with horror in my eyes.

"It's past six and we are at school!" I wailed. "Talking to a teacher too! Only geeks do that!" (no offence:)) They both rolled their eyes at me.

"Get over it." Stefan oh so wisely said standing up. I pouted as they laughed.

"Alright, now you can go. Pleasure meeting you Tara." Alaric said holding out his hand. I gingerly shook it and pulled my hand back to my side quickly.

"Likewise. Alright I'm even more bored. Lets go do something fun." I said pulling Stephanie's hand.

"Bye. I probably won't do the homework!" I called running out. They both laughed and we were finally out of the dreadfully horrible place.


HI GUYS! How are you doing? Anyways I wrote this to let out some stress since I have the Battle of the Books competition tomorrow morning. One good thing about BOB is that I get out of school for a day:) and that is always a good thing. Anyways I am hoping Klaus comes in here soon I don't really plan my stories out, I am more of a go with the flow person or something. OH AND I GOT A TREE BRANCH NAMED CLYDE!! IT IS SOOOO CUTE. Alright Klaus get in here!

Klaus: what?!?!

Me: say goodbye!

Klaus: Goodbye human blood bags

Me: that wasn't nice *pouts*

Klaus: Get over it.

Me: Jerk but don't worry I still love you. Not really. How much would you sell for, do you think?

Klaus: *backs slowly away* I wouldn't want to find out. Fan Follow Vote or Comment. Tell Wings4life when you think I should appear. *disappears*

Me: What he said. Now excuse me I have a hybrid to find and sell on Ebay *runs after Klaus*

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